Saturday, August 30, 2008

What was he thinking?

McCain proved his Maverick credentials with the Palin pick. But for a guy trying to say the other guy is not ready to lead, you've got to wonder: What the heck was he thinking?


Curious said...

Interesting blog-link.

Kind of echoes my question: Does America really want a Miss Alaska runner-up just a heartbeat away from the presidency? We'll find out in November, won't we?

Anonymous said...

Wonder what his wife thinks??

Anonymous said...

Smart guy!! She's MUCH more than a beauty queen! Have you heard her speak or read her credentials? She's exceptionally sharp -- as well as pretty. Has strong moral values, too. Way to go McCain!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Clinton's "PUMA" group likes her!

Anonymous said...

At first blush, looks like our Kasha Kelley has much in common with Sarah Palin -- they're both awesome crusadors for less government control, lower taxes, and wholesome family values.

Curious said...

Ooops...Careful when playing the "strong moral values" card.

Credentials? Ok, here are a few.

She got her FIRST passport after she became Gov. of Alaska. Her First. She hadn't traveled out of the country before two years ago? I'd say that qualifies as limited foreign experience credentials.

Domestically: She's been Mayor of Wasilla, AK. Which is roughly the size of Wellington. She was also a city (town) councilor for two terms. And she's been Gov. of Alaska (pop. 680,000). Which is roughly the size of KC. That's the extent of her governmental experience.

And now, we discover that she's currently under investigation for firing the state public safety officer ostensively because he wouldn't fire her former brother-in-law.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!

the link you gave means nothing. I could easily provide many links to authors saying exactly the opposite

She's not running for president ya'll.
If that's the worst dirt they can dig up, then, Thank You!

Obama's running for #1. Let's talk about his experience, credentials, etc.
"We don't need to drill for oil, let's just inflate our tires correctly...."
A weak candidate at best. Good thing the American people can listen and understand, rather than just eat everything the media throws out. For they truly love Obama.

Beam me up, Scotty.

Anonymous said...

Let's look at her stance on the issues instead of when she got her passport. (I don't think you needed a passport to travel outside the US until a year or two ago. I didn't need one to go to Belize or Grand Cayman)

She is pro-life, and a lifetime NRA member. Now I just need to hear that she is against Amnesty for illegals, and I'd vote for her for President.

McCain was smart, knowing that most of us conservative voters were only going to vote for him as a lesser of two evils, but now we have a conservative to vote for.

Anonymous said...

Blonde on one side and Brunett on the other side. And with VIAGRE I will out last BILL !!!!!!!

HaH Hah

Anonymous said...

After last night WE ALL KNOW WHAT HE WAS THINKING!!!! She's great!!

Anonymous said...

Let me preface this statement with:

Although I was never going to vote for Abama, I wanted the media and the public to give him opportunity to get to know 'him'.

Now, I'm looking at S. Palin, and saying that she should be afforded the same right. Don't shortchange her, she is not Hillary Clinton.

That being said, Let's get to the heart of the matter:
What do the 2 campaigns stand for?
What do you, yourself, believe in?

Let's all slow down and take a look at the world around us. I think that if we all weigh it out very carefully, we will know for whom we should cast our vote.

Think and pray!
Pray and Think!

2 months left to listen and determine who will make the best decisions for our country.

Thank you for printing this David.
(nothing negative, nothing tacky, just an honest person's perspective)

Ann O. Nemus

Anonymous said...

I could think of five women right here in Arkansas City who would have shone in the spotlight equally with the criterion being nothing more than to be condescending, insulting, sarcastic and charming (btw: charming is not gender specific)

We are a polarized nation who has virtually no value for truth and we hooray mindlessly at those who can distort the position of others.

I found it to be intriguing that the convention would employ three speakers and an additional 30 minutes of film footage about the war hero who suffered commendably for his country - that being the most resounding credential for his candidacy - and then follow that diluge of praise with a man who couldn't even wait until he came under political fire before he turned his party affiliation.

What is the value of hailing a defector if that is the antithesis of what it takes to become Commande in Chief? How did Lieberman bolster that "heroic" tribute.

Conflicting messages or no?

Anonymous said...

My apologies.
In quickly typing my statement, I misspelled Senator B. Obama's name.

Ann O. Nemus

Anonymous said...