Monday, November 3, 2008

Counter intuitive

I think this was somewhere in Ohio


Anonymous said...

big surprise this would show up. Anything that says vote liberal or a slam to the republicans.

Anonymous said...

Slam to the republicans? Where did Mr. Seaton slam the republicans? I didn't see that anywhere. The picture is a statement that you can take any way that you want.... But I wanted to say that I disagree with it being a "slam".

Next- What is it with you people and your guns. No one is going to take your precious guns away. But the way you people keep harping on it is starting to get lame. I doubt any "yuppies" ( whats with the name calling?) put out this sign to "trick" anyone. People have opinions and they are allowed free speech... For people who continue to harp on the gun issue and that it's your right to own... Have your forgotten FREE SPEECH? If I remember correctly this is HIS blog and you have the option to be here or to leave.

bytedaily said...

@ 12:52

omg - You need to warn people before you bring the funny.

I'm still laughing.

Anonymous said...

"Get over it. We are not even the first nation to elect a black as president so why can't we present ourselves as the most advanced such as we are."

So, Obama gets your vote so you can prove you're not a racist? Wonderful. You don't care about his politics, his extreme lack of experience, his lies, or his anti-American actions, you just want to vote for him because he is black... so you can feel better about yourself and the way your ancestors may have treated black people.

THAT RIGHT THERE is the reason Obama will win. Racism.

Ironic, isn't it.

Anonymous said...

"What is it with you people and your guns"

Without our guns, we will be defenseless against government. The founding fathers, who had just fought and won a revolution, knew that someday we may have to do so again. When govenrment takes your guns, you are defenseless to stop them from taking your freedoms.

And Obama plans to have his own "Civilian National Security Force" which he alone will command. It really should scare you if you haven't been ingesting the "Obama is the new Messiah" Kool Aid.

Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.