Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Some post election thoughts:

Biggest surprise of the night
—- street tax approved. I hadn't spoken to anyone who thought that thing would pass. It did, and it wasn't even that close -- 5 percentage points.

Second biggest surprise of the night
— margin of victory for Kasha, 64 percent to 36, over Gene Burr. After remaining fairly quite for much of October. Kasha blasted out of the gates with billboard signs, media advertisings and ground game - phone calls, door knocking - in the last two weeks that launched her to victory.

Third biggest surprise of the night
--Alan Groom soundly defeats Carmelita Clarkson. Who is Alan Groom? :)

Not a surprise but biggest story locally
-- Abrams knocks off veteran incumbent Goodwin, putting the leader of the evolution battles in Kansas in the state Senate. With Greta's support dwindling for taking credit for things she didn't really deserve (stalking bill) and tussling with seemingly everybody (even her own party leaders), plus Abrams base of conservative support, I'm not surprise she lost. Joe Shriver in 2012?

Biggest Lessoned learned
--Abrams loses his own county but kills Goodwin in Sumner County. Lesson being, don't diss your neighbors (like she did on the casino. You might need them some day.

Biggest Disappointment
-- The loooooooooooooong lines at the Rec Center in Ark City. It was great to see so many voters, but that was ridiculous for a town this size. They need more machines.

Oddest outcome
Just 20 votes separate Gary Wilson and Alan Groom. Maybe they should arm wrestle

Best outcome

President Barack Obama
(Before you hypervenilate, this is just my opinion and if you read this blog you already know that!)


Rachel Russell said...

Yuuuup, I basically agree with that assessment.

I also have no problem stating that I wholeheartedly believe Obama was the best choice.

Also, yes, I think we should demand an arm-wrestling match. If only for the sheer amusement of it all.

Anonymous said...

I'm just so very glad that GG was unseated.

Anonymous said...

Joe Shriver in 2012?

Who is to say you won't be onboard with Abrams by then?

You didn't really question Alan Groom's ability to win did you? Alan Groom is Winfield's best known, blue collar celebrity.

Anonymous said...

I was NOT surprised by Alan Groom's win. Perhaps if you paid attention to all the candidates before choosing who you want to win you would have known who he was. Or better yet??? Do you not read what your reporters are putting into the paper.

I think Abrams will be a fine job in the senate. Just because you did not agree with his personal beliefs does NOT mean he'll do a bad job in the senate. Are you not willing to give him a chance?

I also was not surprised by Kasha's over whelming defeat of Burr. She's done a good job for the area. I didn't vote for the first time she ran but I think she's represented our area very nicely.

Instead of looking at only the party affiliation, Mr. Seaton, perhaps you should learn to listen and research the candidate.

And no, no one is surprised by your happiness over Obama. You made that very very very clear. He wasn't my choice to win but I'm willing to give him a chance. Much like I hope you are willing to give other winners a chance.

Anonymous said...

I am scared it will be like having another Kennedy in the White House. I loved the Kennedy's but remember what happened to them.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to everyone who got the sales tax increase approved- because of you I will be purchasing all my groceries and other purchases in Winfield or Ponca and the best thing is we will get to eat out at a decent restaurant while we shop. Way to make my beloved hometown even less desirable than it has become.

Anonymous said...

2nd biggest surprise? Boy- you underestimate Kasha I say. She ran a smart race, kept her mouth shut about spreading negativity (unlike Mr. Burr) and she spent her money wisely and maximized at the end when it counted- people remembered and wasn't annoyed because she was hounding them so early (like someone else did for months)- I'm surprised you think its a surprise.

Anonymous said...

Don't kid yourself- he is not a Kennedy or nothing like.

Anonymous said...

I think it's amazing how the dems say that now that Obama is elected, we should put aside our differences and support him whole heartedly, yet you are already implying that you do not like the local Republicans who sweeped the local races, and hope to see them out in 2012.

Anonymous said...

Yep, too bad the democrats couldn't say let's get along while there are republicans in charge.

Anonymous said...'s Gary Wilson and Bob Voegele not Alan Groom

Anonymous said...

Can't say I disagree with Wilson on this. Also I don't think if a spouse is running for county commission the other spouse should be on the township board. Not saying they would do anything inappropriate but it does give that appearance.

Anonymous said...

I agree -- I am also willing to give Obama a chance -- but they sure bad mouthed the republican in office didn't they? Relentlessly. So why should they not expect the same treatment?

John S.Mars said...

Actually I was not at all surprised by any of the outcomes. If Democrats are to be successful in the future they must support younger candidates that are more in step with the times and in tune with the people.

Anonymous said...

I think our sales tax is now the same as Ponca's ... I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

The lines were so long at the Rec Center because they had 8 precincts wrapped up into one voting place. I don't know for sure about this but I never heard any complaints from other voting sites about waiting forever. Maybe next time our city will think about that a little.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Mr. Mars it was the teen and minorities that managed to put Obama in the presidency- I personally would like to see the voting age raised and education level after this election! ha ha! JK- it was great to see all the enthusiasm even if I don't agree with the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Obama should neither expect or receive the same treatment until he single handedly goes to war against the wishes of the world community based on lies and fabricated evidence, single handedly provides shelter for companies to become more greedy, single handedly lies to the American people about a vast array of things (too many to list), single handedly pushes laws that shred the constitution of the US, and most importantly, single handedly continues to build the “good ol’ boy” network in Washington based on “owing” people positions in government rather than competence.

Detach from the fear Kelley robots, a new day has dawned, even you will enjoy them…

Anonymous said...

I think our sales tax is now the same as Ponca's ... I could be wrong.

But the selections are so much better

Anonymous said...

still stings that Kelley won huh? Poor baby.

Anonymous said...

"a new day has dawned, even you will enjoy them." ... I pray you're right! I find his liberal ideas pretty scary, but I'd love to be proved wrong!

Anonymous said...

I saw this on a blog and wondered what you all might think? It is about 20 second clip of Mr. Obama making what I thought was a striking statement! (History buffs will love this one)

Anonymous said...

No, it doesn't sting that Kelley won, in fact, she has caused no damage to the area yet. I fear that her "toeing the party line" style of politics will eventually lead us to a point of great damage...

Anonymous said...

This was posted a few times on here and the other AC blogs prior to the election, but the Obama supporters just pretended that he was talking about something else, and never gave a straight answer.

I think it's scary, and anyone who considers themsleves a patriot should as well. What exactly will he use this private army for? What could he do with it?


Scary to have so much power in one man's hands, even though the liberals around here think he is the new messiah. Power Corrupts, and absolute power corrupt absolutely.

ccdemo said...

Gene Burr has been beaten up for weeks in the blog. He did no such thing in running a negative campaign. Those who accuse him of such things obviously never went to a forum or have spoken with the man. He is a credit to the county and community.
I sure hope Kasha can finally help with the out of control spending by Democrats in the legislature. Oh wait a minute Republicans have controlled the legislature in our State for about 80 of the last 90 years! Some day Kansans will realize it is nice to have a 2 party system.

Seatons comments on Senator Goodwin getting to much credit on some things is a little overblown. I would argue that Kasha may have gone too fast with her bill and that others helped it become a better bill. I mean cmon, who would be against this bill?
I also hope that someday Kasha can be an advocate for transparency in election reform as she is in government (however it may not be in her best interest to do so).

And OBAMA gives us hope. Those who act like they are afraid should be. The power that the current President amassed without Congress taking him to task has set precednt for the next Presidents. You cant be for a strong executive only when your party is in power! That being said. Obama knows the constitution (I doubt the curent Pres ever even read it)and I believe he will restore it to its original intent!

Did Groom really say he would look at cutting aid to Big Brothers organization and perhaps fund the Fun Barn? If he supports that he may have a short honeymoon on the county commission.

Did Vogele ever say what he supported as opposed to Wilson? I never did understand why he was running.

Anonymous said...

The funniest comment here is the one about escaping the new 7.8% sales tax by shopping in Ponca where it's 8.667%.