Friday, March 13, 2009

All about the Big Box

Looks like Jean Snell Jay Warren and Patrick McDonald will make this election about the big box, at least in large part.

Warren and Snell are definitely a team. McDonald seems to have an alliance with them based on his growth agenda. It's interesting that his yard signs say "It's time for a change," because he is an incumbent. But I know what he means. He wants the voting majority to change.

Mathews and Fry seem more in line with the current majority — concerned about spending, nuts and bolts of government. Incumbent Margolius is a budget hawk and part of the majority right now. Margolius voted against the Big Box incentives and the other two opposed it. I think the Big Box proposal remains the Great Divide of the Ark City commission, and the town, even though it was 15 months ago.

Waresack has an innocence that is refreshing.


charles said...

I hope we expand the dialog. The problem with talking historically in the campaign process is that we provoke only populist type of candidacy. It feeds the "vote the ins out" mentality.

We really need to give thought to want we (the citizens) would like to see happening in our city. Everyone should ask of themselves, "what direction would we like to move in or are we content with status quo?"

Then vote for the candidates that are most likely to act in that capacity.

Sometimes, we are like the old slapstick where the woman has two big strong men moving the couch. For the duration of the clip, she only tells them where she does not want the couch. Not there. That's too close to the wall. That's too far away from the wall. Move it up just a bit. No that's too far. Never mind, move it back over there.
You know what, I don't like the color lets just take it back.

Ok that's 1960's comedy. But, it depicts how much energy is squandered and how much frustration is built up from a lack of direction from those who ar to be served.

I want a candidate to talk about how they would fight for stimulus money to jump start our local economy. I want to know if the commission cares about retaining our current largest employer in the city and the multi-million dollar annual payroll.

Who wants to work effectively with state officials to promote economic development? And, of course, I want to know who is interested in representing the under-represented populations?

I wish I could find out if anyone cares about the absence of ethnic minority involvement as elected or non-elected leaders in ANY of our local taxing jurisdictions.

Anonymous said...

Well McDonald voted for the big box but he won't vote for two new small businesses in Ark City? Hmmm...I was for the big box as well but you know if you want businesses in town you need to consider all of the offers. Was he just going against the small businesses because he was pouting over losing the vote of the big box? Mr. McDonald will NOT get my vote!

Anonymous said...

Well keep talking about the past and we'll never work toward the future. Even Winfield turned down the big box store so something was NOT right with it.

Anonymous said...

Just because Winfield turned down the big box, doesn't mean AC should. They already have larger industries in the county and do not need to worry about one big box store. Anyway, I am not aurguing the point of the big box, its done, for now. We just don't need to be in Winfields shadow because someone wants to say Winfield didn't do it so maybe we shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall voting against any small businesses. Unless you mean a vote for the big box was a against small business. I don't think of it that way. I'm a small business and I use our existing big box (Wal-Mart) to my advantage by providing services and accessories to what they sell. I feel certain that other stores can do the same. If Lowe's had come in they would have been a direct competitor to me.

If you mean other, I don't recall voting against any small businesses. You are welcome to tell me directly either here or at my email address

Patrick McDonald

Anonymous said...

Charles said: "I wish I could find out if anyone cares about the absence of ethnic minority involvement as elected or non-elected leaders in ANY of our local taxing jurisdictions."

Why does it always have to be about race with you Charles? Most people I know just don't think like that. If a person is a good candidate, with experience, know how, and good ideas, they will get my vote no matter what their skin color. When was the last time we had anyone of ethnicity run for any political office here? They have to run before they can be elected. I just find your constant use of the race card to be, well, racist.

charles said...

I just find your constant use of the race card to be, well, racist.

Spent a lot of time on that one, I suppose. Most narrow minded people can ignore the plethora of topics and comments offered by a person and try to re-characterize the matter as "all comments about race." If you start taking your denial pills, you might find that I offer opinions on a number of topics, mostly about where folks will spend eternity.

That does not mean I have to cower to some arrogant bully who herniates each time I mention race. Racsim, like cancer, does not go away just because someone wants to duck their head in the sand and ignore it.

Reading that I mentioned five topics in the original posts (March 13 4:35pm) makes me wonder who could intelligently conclude that all I talk about is race.

On the other hand, you're anonymous so it doesn't matter what you think.

Anonymous said...


You do speak on many subjects, and i do find myself agreeing with you on at least half of them, it just seems that you are unable to go very long at all without bringing up race. If I, a white man, were spouting off about race every other post, I would surely be labeled a racist.

Anonymous said...