Friday, March 6, 2009

Sebelius and abortion

Radical pro-lifers are hellbent against Sebelius But it doesn't seem to be working.


Anonymous said...

With all the nuts in this part of the country, she better get her some good security guards. She will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

She has been in "this part of the country" awhile now. Don't you think if some right wing nutcase (ie: someone who values human life, unlike yourself) was going to shoot at her, they'd have done it by now? But even if they do, you are praying for her, so that should help. god always listens to the prayers of people who condone the killing of his innocent children.

Anonymous said...

Yep much like if she had been pro life the liberal democrats pushing her now would have been hell bent against her or anyone else.

Could you please tell me why there is the political mentality that either you have to TOTALLY agree or TOTALLY disagree with a candidate and the party. There is no in between.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...Anonymous said that they value human life, unlike Drew? You are all about life in the abortion issue...I am curious how you stood on Justin Thurber? Is "Pro-Life" wishy washy? I am for Capital Punishment and Pro Choice! So I know where I stand!