Friday, April 3, 2009

Kasha and health care

Here's Traveler editorial that ran last Saturday.


Kasha Kelley is way off base when it comes to health insurance for children.
In the House budget committee, she worked against expanding government-assisted health insurance for children, known as SCHIP.
SCHIP is funded mostly by the federal government with a small match from states.
Thankfully the full House put the measure into the budget it approved this week. Hopefully the Senate will follow and Kansas can reach another 8,000 or so children of working families.
Expanding SCHIP would cover children of families making 250 percent of federal poverty levels.
According to the Hawver Capitol Report, Kelley said a family of four earning $55,000 a year could tithe to a church and still afford private health insurance.
This view is out of touch with the struggles of working families, many of whom live in fear of going to the hospital.
Private health insurance costs have sped way past income gains in recent year.
That family of four can easily spend $10,000 a year on out-of-pocket costs if they purchase private insurance.
Businesses large and small are pushing more and more of their health insurance costs to workers because of the soaring costs.
This is one area that demands government action.
The least we can do is aid in the health care of children from families of modest means.


Anonymous said...


You are right as usual,
Obama is printing more money this vary minute to pay for all these programs, granted as he prints it becomes less and less valuable but so what, as long as the end meets the means, or will this be the means that meets the end.

Anonymous said...

Hey at least Obama is doing something instead of taking orders from a vice president and saying "let's stay the course"...WoW that that worked huh? And I bet you voted for him twice...

Anonymous said...

Demand is high for money, cost is cheap to print print it now before it cost much much more