Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea party post mordem

Is this tea party protest thing going to last or just a fringe element with a general aversion for government


Anonymous said...

It's funny why people would protest 95% of America getting a tax cut and the other 5% paying an equal percentage. I guess when your ideas fail and cause America to hate itself, this makes sense...

"My taxes are getting lower!!! How dare you!!!!!!!" or "The government is investing in my future by assisting failing companies and telling them to change their failing ways!!! How dare them!!!"

Anonymous said...

After reading that I don't think I could help you if I tried...

Anonymous said...

I don't think they need help. They're actually on to something. Obama did not raise anybody's taxes, unless they make over 250K. In fact, those under 250K in income receive a tax cut. Those who will receive an increase will have a 3% increase, which is being called "socialism."

If you follow the trail of the people that organized the "Tea Parties," you will find no one that makes under 250K and people that are in the business of creating fear.

Protesting spending makes more sense. But whether you agree with the left or the right side of economists, they both say it would be devastating for the government to stop spending at this point. People seem to forget that these investments (bailouts) being made (one by W) are going to be returned in one way or another down the road. The govt should have the right to impose restrictions or regulations on industries that receive money. This is being spun into something it's not by beck, limbaugh, and their ilk.

Anonymous said...

You don't get it at all. The tea parties are not just about taxes. I saw many news outlets making the same mistake yesterday. I guess because it was held om tax day, they thought that was the only thing being protested against. In actuality, it's about how far our government has gotten away from the constitution, and the direction our country is headed. It's also about the bailouts, and the trillion dollar debt that our grandchildren are going to be paying for.

You talk about Obama's new tax cuts as if that is a good thing. If you think robbing from the rich to give to the lazy is a good thing, then more power to you. I happen to disagree. I am happy to pay my taxes, however inflated they may be, to help our country grow, but I do get angry about where our tax money is going. Namely to lazy people who choose not to work, and to pay for services to illegal immigrants who should not even be here in the first place. There is a revolution calling.

Anonymous said...

Yes - crazies with a general aversion for government.

Anonymous said...

So i suppose that anonymous poster April 16, 2009 8:57 PM thinks everyone getting a tax cut is lazy or am I misunderstanding? Between my spouse and I, we work around 100 hours a week and we are receiving the tax cut.I believe the tax cuts people are seeing in their checks are part of a stimulus for this year and next year? Please clarify yourself further and don't lump everyone in one group, that receives tax cuts as lazy.

Anonymous said...

The poster at 8:57 is unhappy because of welfare programs? So, we are to believe you when you say welfare recipients are ALL lazy and do NOTHING? Let me ask you a question: What percentage of the fed budget goes towards welfare? I think you will find that only a very small percentage goes towards the things that "upset" you. Will your church take care of the needy in the programs absence?

What direction is the country going in? Early indications point to the country coming out of the pit it was pushed into. You may also want to take the time to look at the deficit projections as well.

Do you want to change your argument to a logical or rational reason to be upset?

Anonymous said...

"If you think robbing from the rich to give to the lazy is a good thing, then more power to you."

Those people get "rich" by using the productivity and hard work of the so "called lazy" and the illegal immigrants you so revile. I assume by your standards anyone making less than 250G a year is "lazy". Do you think if everyone just stopped working they would still be "rich".

They set your wages. They determine what health care benefits you get. They hire illegal aliens.

"Average hourly wages of private-sector workers in 1975 were $4.73; today this figure is $16.34. But when deflated by the CPI, we find that today's average wage is worth only $4.62 in 1975 dollars."

All the while,

"Because, while the bottom half of the top 1 percent of the income distribution have done far better than the average wage slaves, it is a smaller slice still -- the top .01 percent -- that has grabbed most of the gains, seeing an impressive 250 percent increase in income between 1973 and 2005"

Yet, they have seen their tax burden lowered by the tax cuts on investments.

And then to top it all off they let the bottom 99.9% do their bidding, getting all riled up for them, and protesting tax increases that don't even affect the bottom 99.9%.

It is a mixed up world we live in...

Anonymous said...

"If you follow the trail of the people that organized the "Tea Parties," you will find no one that makes under 250K and people that are in the business of creating fear."

You are way off base. This is a grassroots movement by the people, for the people. I would venture a guess that very VERY few people who attended the tea parties make over 250k a year.

Abbreviated said...

July 4th is the next TEA party date.

"Are you fed up with a Congress and a president who:

* vote for a $500 billion tax bill without even reading it?
* are spending trillions of borrowed dollars, leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying?
* consistently give special interest groups billions of dollars in earmarks to help get themselves re-elected?
* want to take your wealth and redistribute it to others?
* punish those who practice responsible financial behavior and reward those who do not?
* admit to using the financial hurt of millions as an opportunity to push their political agenda?
* run up trillions of dollars of debt and then sell that debt to countries such as China?
* want government controlled health care?
* want to take away the right to vote with a secret ballot in union elections?
* refuse to stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into our country?
* appoint a defender of child pornography to the Number 2 position in the Justice Department?
* want to force doctors and other medical workers to perform abortions against their will?
* want to impose a carbon tax on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels?
* want to reduce your tax deductibility for charitable gifts?
* take money from your family budget to pay for their federal budget?"

Anonymous said...

Grassroots, huh. Yeah if you consider the Koch Family funding most of it "grassroots".....

"The events have been widely promoted by corporate-funded conservative PR professionals who specialize in "astroturf." This is a term for the use of money to create an appearance of widespread "grassroots" support. Currently the corporate-funded conservative lobbying groups Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity, are organizing the events and conservative media including talk radio and FOX News are widely promoting them. "

"All of these are ultimately linked up to Koch's Freedom Works mega-beast. has drawn fire in the past for using fake grassroots internet campaigns, called "astroturfing," to push for pet Koch projects such as privatizing social security. A New York Times investigation in 2005 revealed that a "regular single mom" paraded by Bush's White House to advocate for privatizing social security was in fact FreedomWorks' Iowa state director. The woman, Sandra Jacques, also fronted another Iowa fake-grassroots group called "For Our Grandchildren," even though privatizing social security was really "For Koch And Wall Street Fat Cats."

If you log into today, its home page features a large photo of Rick Santelli pointing at the viewer like Uncle Sam, with the words: "Are you with Rick? We Are. Click here to learn more."

FreedomWorks, along with scores of shady front organizations which don't have to disclose their sponsors thanks to their 501 (c)(3) status, has been at the heart of today's supposed grassroots, nonpartisan "tea party" protests across the country, supposedly fueled by scores of websites which masquerade as amateur/spontaneous projects, but are suspiciously well-crafted and surprisingly well-written. One slick site pushing the tea parties, claims, " is a grassroots online community created by a few friends who were outraged by the bailouts. So we gathered some talent and money and built this site. Please tell your friends, and if you have suggestions for improving it, please let us know. Respectfully, Evan and Duncan." But funny enough, these regular guys are offering a $27,000 prize for an "anti-bailout video competition." Who are Evan and Duncan? Do they even really exist?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 3:26:

Way off base? Research the truth before you make a blanket claim. You are a victim of the machine...

The Tax Day Tea Party protest movement is not as spontaneous as its organizers would like you to think. In a nutshell, there are three national-level conservative groups (all with slightly different agendas) that are guiding it. Each of these groups, along with the GOP are quick to tell you that the movement is a bottom-up affair and that its grassroots credibility is real.

The groups are: FreedomWorks, the conservative action group led by Dick Armey; dontGO, a tech savvy free-market action group that sprung out of last August's oil-drilling debate in the House of Representatives; and Americans for Prosperity, an issue advocacy/activist group based on free market principles.

You are right, the majority of the people at these events make less than 250k. The people that organized the "event" as a "movement" have other interests different than the "working man."

Anonymous said...

All of this makes one wonder why this protest didn't occur last year when the public debt was doubled by Pres. Bush over an 8 year period...

I guess some spending is OK when it's a neo-con doing it...but when the first African-American President's "wasted" spending. Humm......

Anonymous said...

It's not the right to protest most rational people are laughing at. There were good points being made at some of these tea parties. What people are ridiculing is all the hate speech and ignorance that many are showing at the tea parties. Protesting overtaxation and overspending is fine but most of these people were just upset right wingers protesting Obama. I heard about many people shouting things like "burn the books" and "hang Obama". When they say that he is spending less on the military and making us less safe they don't know what they are talking about. Obama has proposed a 4% increase in military spending. When they talk about him raising their taxes once again they don't know what they are talking about because Obama as of the first of this month lowered taxes for EVERYONE making less than 250,000 a year.

Most people at these parties are good people just misinformed. Don't go repeating everything you get in an E-mail or see on Fox news without checking it out first. Fox news knows that their viewer base is monkey-like, they will repeat whatever they say and they have been caught several times just making stuff up to spread outrage that is unfounded and misguided.

Anonymous said...

"VERY few people who attended the tea parties make over 250k a year."

That person didn't say "attended" they said "organized", which are entirely two different things...

The "tea parties" were started by freedomworks (funded by the kochs) they specialize in PR campaigns disguised as grassroots movements...

The information is pretty easy to find...

Anonymous said...

"You talk about Obama's new tax cuts as if that is a good thing. If you think robbing from the rich to give to the lazy is a good thing, then more power to you."So let me get this right... You are a republican than thinks tax cuts are a bad thing? Where are your priorities? Tax cuts should be supported by you, no matter who's in office, or is there something else you're upset about?

Anonymous said...

You liberals are nuts. Every time the people of this country stand up for themselves against your beloved government, "It's all a vast right wing conspiracy!" Wake up and realize that your ideals are what's brought this country to it's knees. Compare our country today to the way it was 50 years ago. It's all about spreading the wealth around. Get real!

Anonymous said...

So, it wasn't the ideals of your former idol GW Bush that brought us to our knees? That's history I've never heard of...

Anonymous said...

George Bush was a moron. I don't Idolize him. You people WORSHIP at the alter of Obama as if he is the second coming of Thor. And no, it was not Bush that brought this country to it's knees. Let's not forget your former idol Billary. The one who was in office when the lending practices were changed that lead to the banks loaning money to people who couldn't afford to pay it back. Let's be sure we don't discriminate against the poor people now. They should be able to buy just as nice a house as the people who worked hard and made lots of money. The poor are the ones who support Democrats because they know they will get handouts. It's the same reason the Dems want to legalize all the illegal aliens. For more votes.

You liberals and your welfare giving, gun banning, baby killing, socialist ways are what's bringing this country to it's knees, not the Tea Party folks.

charles said...

Anonymous said...

You liberals and your welfare giving, gun banning, baby killing, socialist ways are what's bringing this country to it's knees, not the Tea Party folks.

April 20, 2009 12:28 PM

Maybe someone told us the truth about this a looonnng time ago.

Proverbs 14:33-35

Romans 14:10-12

Anonymous said...

Charles, you can't just post the chapter and verse.. I burned my bible long ago. What does it say?

charles said...


Anonymous said...

Take a look on line - you can find the Bible there. verse by verse

Anonymous said...

No thanks. If Charles wants to make a point, he should make it, not give clues to it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Charles is confusing a "nation" in the Bible (which means the collective group of adherants to different faiths or religions) with a modern day nation. Those verses speak nothing of politics and nations as we know them did not exist then. Good try Charles...

Proverbs 14:33-35:
Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.Romans 14:10-12:
But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

charles said...

Oops! You all are just too smart for me.

i'm never wrong said...

As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

April 22, 2009 6:41 PM

And so shall it be..... every one of us!!!

TO THE BLIND said...

You obama lovers are just plum ignorant and blind to the facts. he doesn't love this country he's pushing us closer to communisum everyday!