Monday, May 4, 2009


Wonder if getting some money locally helps change some people's mind about the stimulus bill. It also will fund at least one county road project, I believe, and of course will help the state balance its budget, soften cuts to prison system, and lessen education cuts. More could be taken advantage of, including money for public transportation (rail) (Folks are also getting extended unemployment and possibly extended health coverage if they've been laid off recently)


charles said...

What's the chances that two issues that you listed might come together. A few major projects in the county may now get funded. Seems that might be the "stimulus" needed to move some folks off unemployment.

I had the impression that the stimulus was intended to put people back to work. I think our local units of government ought to be thinking about job creation through these unexpected funds.

jamie said...

Our state legislators may be in for a rude surprise for making budget cuts to our education system. Does anyone remember the state is obligated by a Supreme Court ruling to ADD money to public school education? The state does not have a legal right to cut the education funds. If they try to fight that ruling, remember we are paying for it with our taxpayer dollars!

Kanyon said...

I think the little dollars that get spent at all levels of the government and administration are the problem. They add up and before you know it there is no way to pay for the big programs.

Education, healthcare, these programs have lifetime impact, we have to keep them fully funded. Some schools are putting a 500 count pack of paper as a school supply because they don't have the funds for copy paper.

Yet there is the 'pretty spending' but pretty don't pay the bills. We do lots of pretty at all levels of the government we could put pretty money into needed programs.

KFC in many cities is repairing potholes on public roads and putting their logo on it. I think it says 'refreshed by KFC'.
We are slowly eating away (no pun intended) on the old water bills. There are ways to help ourselves.

the Stimulus money has good and bad in it. Many people weigh in on both sides. I just think that it is too early to tell.

We need to be working towards keeping and putting people to work with the stimulus money that is funding these projects.