Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tacky Todd

Kind of tacky for Rep. Todd Tiahrt to go around suggesting certain people, including the president of the united states, could have been aborted if abortions were cheaper. His other example of a great mind that could have been aborted was Clarence Thomas.

I understand that Tiahrt is an anti-abortion crusader (in fact this is a good reminder that he is a product of the 1990s Christian Coalition) but Tiahrt makes it sound like mothers would abort more black babies, in particular, just to save a few bucks.


Anonymous said...

He simply suggested that if abortions were paid for by the government (not just "cheaper" as your post suggests) that more people who's single mothers were struggling to get by, as Obama and Thomas have openly admitted, might have taken that option. He was making the point that we might have lost many great people, and was referencing Obama and Thomas as great people who overcame a rough start. I think you liberals are trying to twist it around to make him seem racist, when the intent of what he was saying should be clear to anyone over ten.

Anonymous said...

No, that is what he implied. It hasn't been twisted here, or in byte's blog, where it appeared last week.

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree with 2:16 post
he said nothing racist. Absolutely nothing... and yet you raise a very invalid issue. Gosh Dave...

Anonymous said...

See our ultra liberal friend David Allen here would NEVER have thought of it that way. You see he blindly follows anything and everything the democrats say without investigating it further or thinking for himself.

I haven't heard the entire comment tiahart made but i have no doubt it was totally blown out of order as that is what happens in politics.

Anonymous said...

Our president grew up in a similar circumstance," Tiahrt said. "If that financial incentive was in place, is it possible that his mother may have taken advantage of it?"

Not a "rough start", who's twisting it?

Anonymous said...

Was it not POSSIBLE that a single pregnant woman would have gotten an abortion if it were free?

Nothing about his statement was racist or even wrong. There are plenty of white pillars of society who's mothers might have aborted them too if the procedure was paid for by the government. The fact is, he chose two of the most prominent men in our country to use as examples. To me, that says something good about our country when black men are included among the most prominent.

Anonymous said...


Feel free not to print this on your blog, but I feel it needs to be brought to your attention.

While reading the article on David Webster on your site from 7-23-09, I cold not believe how poorly written many of the paragraphs were. For example:

"Falletti was wired when he returned. He said he noticed a red duffel bag on the bed, and it "looked like (Webster) was ready to go."

What does that mean "Falletti was wired"? Was he wearing a wire? Was he wired up? Or was it Webster who was "Wired up", and Falletti who noticed it?


"Webster got up and began to choke her, Falletti said Webster told him."

Could he not have written "Webster then told Falletti that he got up and began to choke Chambers"

And these are just a couple of the many more examples of poor wording in the article.

There are so many places where it was unclear who was telling what to whom, or who was doing what to whom.

While I confess that I am not a journalism scholar, I have written many a report in my day, and I would expect more from the Managing Editor of the Courier.