Friday, November 5, 2010

Brownback's agenda

Capital Journal interview with Gov. elect Brownback is pretty interesting. His tone is pretty moderate and he avoids any of that "culture of life" stuff, at least in this interview.

Sounds like his big push will be to reduce state income taxes to help with economic growth, but the interview doesn't really ask him how to offset those revenues or what services would be cut. The state already faces a $500 million hole.

He does say he wants to protect investments in public education. (let's hope he means it) And his idea for low-cost health clinics at community colleges sounds pretty good.


Anonymous said...

While cutting taxes sounds like a great idea I don't think its possible. However if people had more $$ in their pocket it could help stimulate the economic picture in the state. BUT there is no guarantee they would spend it many may just put it back in their rainy day fund. It'll be interesting to see what balance he comes up with.

I never saw Brownback's campaign running negative ads this election year which was nice. He ran on what his vision is for KS.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he will build a hike and bike path in Ark City to help offset the loss in taxes?

Oh, wait...

Anonymous said...

Honestly, whomever is in office needs the support of people who are patient, realistic and honest with themselves.

We have gone through twenty-five years of voting for people who promise us they acn make this all go away in an instant in exchange for your vote.

We know that is not true. We not it si not possible. We know that it is going to involve losing some benefits from government to get back to a balanced budget and manageable tax load for working people.

Let's set real expectations and only hollar when we have a legitimate reason. No one is going to ruin or fix our country from any single office or in one term.