Friday, November 19, 2010

Plaza concept - big picture

I'm glad the city is leaning toward the plaza design of the land around the new hospital. It is the design concept I would have picked — interconnectedness, community and all that — I'm a sucker for anything with the words "pedestrian-friendly."

The city and recreation officials also have plans to turn the McFarland Pond area into an area safe and open to fishing and other recreational activities. This kind of visioning is good government and I think Ark City is fortunate to have leaders that look to the future and are not afraid to make investments — hospital, school and ball field construction, street repair, overpass, hike and bike trail, and now the McFarland project.

Of course much of this has been in the works for years and ideas percolating now (Construction incentives for Goff Industrial Park, for example) will not bring benefit for probably years go come. But it all shows that local government must take a lead role in fostering growth and community building.

The Ark City City commission has suffered its fair share of personality conflicts and had some bitter disagreements, but if you take a step back and look at the big picture over the last decade or so, I think you'd have to say Ark City has momentum and is on the move. The recession of course slows things down, and there are plenty of problems - deteriorating neighborhoods, low income levels — but there is plenty to feel good about, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ark City is just now catching up to some of the other areas that already have some of the things you mentioned in your article!
The plan for the hospital is no doubt a long range one. Which is not a bad idea! Unless you intend to keep letting the Gung Ho crowd run (away) with the ball!
I hope they have figured out to pay for it?