Friday, November 5, 2010

Kobach's obsession

Looks like we have to put up with a Sec. of State whose going to fan the flames of immigration and alleged "voter fraud" in the Kansas.

He's going to push for having to show official ID at the polls and passports or birth certificates to register to vote.

Presenting an ID to vote sounds logical, but the fact is that a few people don't carry ID, or perhaps don't have one at the time. And we are going to deny them the most basic American right because they can't produce a piece a card or piece of paper? Ditto with passports and birth certificates.

This seems like going after a problem that isn't there. Kobach has been unable to provide real proof of voter fraud, asthis story shows you.

He's also apparently working in other states to deny citizenship to people born in the U.S. to noncitizen parents - a direct contradiction to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. No matter, anything to keep those brown people from coming here.


Anonymous said...

I would have no problem showing my ID when I vote. While I was waiting to vote the other day I imagine that every person that came in the door had their ID on them (ei women carrying their purses and men normally always have their wallet in their pocket). I think that'll cut down on voter fraud. I seriously don't believe any of it has anything to do with preventing people from voting.

I'm suspicious about the attempts to prevent children born in the US from getting citizenship claim as it is protected by the US constitution.

I am curious however IF these were democrats promoting these issues would you be on board or is it b/c Kobach is a Republican?

Anonymous said...

It is sad when an elected official enforces the law.*winkwink*

Anonymous said...

"He's going to push for having to show official ID at the polls and passports or birth certificates to register to vote."


I agree with him 100%. And it seems more Kansans agree with him also, or he would not have been elected. He ran on this platform, and soundly defeated his opponent.

I will gladly show my ID to vote. In fact, I was forced to a few years ago in the presidential election right here in Ark City or I would not have been able to vote.

Only legal American citizens who have not had the right stripped from them for legal reasons should be voting in our elections. The rampant voter fraud brought about by groups like acorn should be brought to an end. Democrats don't want to stop voter fraud because the illegals always want to vote democrat. Voter fraud happens a lot, and has most likely swayed elections. Stopping voter fraud is a good cause to get behind.

Anonymous said...

I recently voted at my usual site and there two women in front of me one who presented a green card. She said she was told she must vote!

The only problem, was she had picked the wrong place! She wasn't on that register!

They allowed her to vote anyway and she went on her way!

Now I wonder if she really knew any of the issues or was just instructed to vote straight party?

Seems they weren't as worried about educating her as they were about securing/directing her to vote!

Anonymous said...

Democrats don't want to stop voter fraud because the illegals always want to vote democrat.
November 6, 2010 9:02 PM

This is such a bigoted statement. It's the kind of thing people say when they use the veil of anonymous to say it.

If you beleive it fisrt be man or woman enough to prove it. Yes, prove what the Democrats do or do not want!
Secondly, if you believe it, stop hiding on the internet and step up and do something about it.

I am a registered democrat who has voted for preferred candidate regardless of party affiliation all my life.

In the 2004 fall election I was asked to show my DL. I did so. Then the electioneer and I visited about my mother, my brother and my deceased father as I waited in line.

So, what voter fraud was stopped. I will add that the poll worker acknowedged she was embarrassed to ask but that she had been instructed to do so regardless of familiarity.

Maybe the poll workers were only asking people who were registered Democrats in hopes of driving targeted voters away. Isn't that pretty much the same folk-lore you just shared about some woman with a green card.

See how easy it is to take a foolish notion inside your head and build it into a conspiracy or indictment? Let it go and either make some meaningful comments on here or get a second job.

Anonymous said...

A bigoted statement in your eyes. A truthful statement in the eyes of anyone who doesn't live under the same delusions that you suffer from.

Minority groups are well known supporters of the Democrat party. This is a fact easily researched. 90% of blacks and over 60% of hispanics vote Democrat. It only stands to reason that any illegals who are able to vote illegally by using some fake papers or ID, would naturally vote Democrat because Democrats are the ones who want to pass Amnesty. How hard is that to understand? They want to be legal, so they vote democrat. There are no statistics or data to back this up, simply because no one knows how many illegals make it through the (very lax) voter requirements and cast a vote. But it happens.

Which brings us back to the subject of the article... voter fraud. ONE vote by an illegal voter, whether they be Alien, or felon, is one too many. Kobach wants to put a stop to that, and the majority of voters agree with him.

And BTW, my second job is schooling liberals.

Class dismissed!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that pretty much the same folk-lore you just shared about some woman with a green card.

Me thinks you have the two posters confused as they aren't the same person!


See how easy it is to take a foolish notion inside your head and build it into a conspiracy or indictment?

Pretty easy on your part I'd say! Then there was a green card and I don't know how they voted! I don't even know what was on that card!
But they (their instructor(s) who told them they had to vote) sure didn't help them with anything but the fact they had to vote!

But it does raise the question of if they also told them how to vote?


I am a registered democrat who has voted for preferred candidate regardless of party affiliation all my life.

So what is your complaint?
The real issue is voter elgibility and educating the voters on the issues!

I don't suppose thats how you determine your preferred candidate when you vote? Eh????????

John M said...

Smoke and mirrors. Smoke and mirrors. Kris Kobach's push for showing official ID at the polls has absolutely nothing to do with is interest in deterring voter fraud. In fact, if he has such interest i would be surprised. Like any politician he in interested in one this and that is what benefits him the most. Minorities do, in fact, tend to vote democratic. Many also tend to move about without an ID. By making it more difficult for this block to vote Republicans face less competition at the polls and maintain their offices. Mr. Kobach would certainly benefit from this and I am certain this is his only interest.

It is sad when an elected official enforces the law.*winkwink*

November 6, 2010 12:21 PM

Actually Mr. Kobach is not attempting to enforce the Law he is attempting to have new laws created, laws that meet his needs, to enforce. In addition he is also attempting to circumvent the 14th amendment--and that is the law--in favor of a "legal" way of denying citizenship to those to whom citizenship is a birth right. He is pursues this for two reasons--to serve his own bias nature--and win favor from a populous who for some reason live in fear that minorities will "Take over America". Of course from a historical perspective I guess that is a valid fear. Look what Europeans did to the Indians.

Kris Kobach is pursuing interests--his own.

Anonymous said...

I determine from your comments tht Republicans are bigots.
Bigots can look right past the truth to their slanted and distorted perception of right.

Bigots can declare the ethnicity or race of a person based on whether or not that person embraces their bigoted views on life.

Bigots make absurd statements such as 90% of blacks (who is that) are democrats without having any supportive statistics. It's just a bigoted notion.

Governor elect Brownback appeared before a huge ethnic gathering, at their invitation in KCK just one week before he was elected. No other candidate was invited.

I guess a a bigot would argue that this was the 10% of black that pass R muster to further articulate your bigotry.

As far as combining two posts, they both said the same mindless thing. It's like trying to separate a bird in teh hand from two mindless President Bush'es.

In that instance, it is true that a bird in the hand is indeed worth two bushes. At least when that bird craps it's only in your hand. When the two Bushes crap on you it's two generations worth of war debt paid for by the american people minus their energy buddies.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Dave- I couldn't disagree with you more on this and am surprised that you are defending giving citizenship rights to children of illegal immigrants. This is just one more thing to attract illegal immigration. Have you heard of anchor babies? Of course you have, and you probably realize (or will within the next 5 years to be sure)that they are taking over our education system. The majority of burden that it is currently facing is due to all of the exceptions being taken for noncitizen/non english speaking children. Because why? Because they have rights- and why should they? Their parents are illegal citizens of our country. Take a look at any grocery store or any public place for that matter and see how many non english speaking children or non english speaking pregnant women there are. You can't tell me they are all legal citizens Dave- it's not true. Let's address the elephant in the room. They are coming here to have their children in order to get the benefits- or getting pregnant once they get here trying to have an excuse to get to stay and recieve government benefits on their illegally conceived child- it is no secret- and even further- the support money they get supports the parents, cousins, etc as they get more and more of them in place. Plead their rights all you want but it is coming at the expense of all of the legal citizens (brown ones included as you so eloquently put it). You see you are missing the mark here Dave- the true American doesn't mind sharing our beautiful country and it's opportunities-that is the basis of what our country was founded upon- what we simply can't afford anymore is covering the expense of those who exploit our systems and disrespect our way of life so much that they will come here illegally and still attempt to exploit our social systems. We are truly a melting pot of every color and race and it is up to the legal citizens of our country to ensure future opportunities for our children. It is a slap in the face every time that someone speaks up for the right of American citizens that the race card is thrown around. Its not about race- it's about following the same laws as every other citizen is expected to. We will gladly welcome the weak and weary as our lady of liberty proclaims, but in that there has to be a procedure in place to ensure that the common man- the legal tax paying citizen can survive and pay for all of the necessary social programs that support the poor, disabled and unemployed and now the illegal and their anchor babies. Where does it end Dave?

Anonymous said...

November 10, 2010 5:39 AM

Don't you know that liberals are not interested in facts, only emotions. If statistics show that more inner city property crimes are committed by blacks, then whoever quotes that fact is a racist. So, since the majority of serial murderers in this country are white males, it's also racist to point that out.

Anonymous said...

Step one is to actually find an illegal alien who voted illegally.
I'll bet he can't find one.

The sad part of this is that this guy is probably going to waste a lot of Kansans' money chasing the brown-skinned boogeyman that doesn't exist except in Kobach's mind.

But he will gain by it. It will make him a dandy darling in the far right wing, maybe as famous as Sarah and maybe even make a book deal that brings in a lot of money to him (while costing Kansas a fortune if he has a court fight with the Constitution of the U.S.)

I hope to live long enough to see a time when politicians quit using racist monkeyshines for personal political gain.

Is any of this good for Kansas or for Kansans?

It's all about Kobach and right wing politics.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that people who share Dave's views always have the last word in a debate simply because he refuses to put up anyone else's responses to it.

Or, maybe he's just out of town.

Who knows.

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

So, you will print my November 16, 2010 10:41 AM post, but not the one before it that led to my complaining about not posting things you disagree with? There was nothing in that post that warrants not posting it except TRUTH. No cursing, no name calling, nothing. Just a truth that liberals don't want to hear.

Anonymous said...

John M. said:

"Actually Mr. Kobach is not attempting to enforce the Law he is attempting to have new laws created, laws that meet his needs, to enforce."

Is it not already a law that illegal aliens are not allowed to vote in, and thereby influence, our election process? Stopping that from happening is the sole reason for having to show ID at the polls. Your statement that minorities don't tend to carry their ID around is ludicris. Do they not need their ID to drive a car, or Cash a check, etc etc? To say that it is a ploy to keep Republican's in power is partisan and just plain dumb. It is an attempt to see that our American election process is just that.. American.

Anonymous said...

Can you not do anything for yourself? Do you not have google?


Anonymous said...

"I recently voted at my usual site and there two women in front of me one who presented a green card. She said she was told she must vote!

The only problem, was she had picked the wrong place! She wasn't on that register!

They allowed her to vote anyway and she went on her way!

Now I wonder if she really knew any of the issues or was just instructed to vote straight party?

Seems they weren't as worried about educating her as they were about securing/directing her to vote!

November 8, 2010 6:14 AM"

A Martian could come in and they would give him a paper ballot then place it in an envelope with his info. If he isn't registered to vote then his ballot wouldn't be counted. That is why the votes aren't official until on Friday. There is a few days to validated those who voted in the wrong place or voted & weren't registered.

That woman was brave. But having a green card will not make her vote actually count. If she hasn't become a citizen & isn't registered her vote won't count.