Friday, April 8, 2011

Kuhn Mechanical

Many of you won't believe this but I sincerely hope Mell gets this straightened out so he and his business can continue.

He said he is relieved to be off the commission, but wishes people would focus on some of the good he did - pushing for design build concept on hospital that saved the project millions, fixing the lid on the sewer plant instead of costing the city a complete overhaul, and helping the WB Meats building historical design restrictions, to name a few.

He said it doesn't seem like people are grateful for anything, but instead accused him of kick backs and using his influence to get projects for his company.


Anonymous said...

If the shoe fits wear it!!!

Anonymous said...

Some things he did may have been great for the city, but the things he did wrong overshadowed them. Maybe it was the coverage from your paper? Maybe it's just that the things he did wrong grabbed all the attention and focused a spotlight on him? How does one "forget" to pay taxes? How does one "accidentally" file for bankruptcy to try to get out of paying the taxes he "forgot" to pay? One thing is for certain; he and I have something in common... I am relieved he is off the commission too.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that Mr. Kuhn and/or the "three amigos," set the city back 10 years, and I don't believe he took kickbacks or whatever illegal or unethical pay from the city. I do hope that Mr. Kuhn learned some things from his time on the commission. I hope he learned from the Smellishes Poon performance at the fundraiser that it is not wise for a public official or anyone really to joke about race or sex in public. I hope he learned from his treatment of the developer several years ago how to and how to not treat people. I also hope that he learns from some people like Mr. Hockenbury about listening to people and thinking things through before speaking.

Also, unfortunately in politics people focus on scandal and negative things. If he cannot take things like that, he needs to stay out of politics and/or public service.

Anonymous said...

Well you left out that Mell pushed for the 1/2 cent sales tax to improve streets!

You left out the fact that the three Amigos were instrumental in the zoning that improved the looks (Windows ordinance)of the Downtown!

He was a backer of the New Stadium and the new sports complex!

I really don't see where Mell did anything that could be considered unfavorable towards the City!

Except, he took on the POWER BROKERS on the Lowes deal!

He actually might have saved Ark City from a grave mistake backing that TIF! (Especially before the downturn in the economy and with the New hospital) Though he will never get any credit!

Btw: Its kind of interesting how that has played out over time. HNB is no more and some of the real pushers for the Lowes deal are less relevant if they are even still in the City/Area. I know of some who aren't!

Anonymous said...

I think you are right. Mr. Kuhn didn't set the city back 10 years he only set it back 8 years give or take a few months. Well if you can't see what he did that is unfavorable you are either blind or related to him. As far as the TIF. He didn't even let the developers give the information to the city so it could be thoroughly reviewed before he acted so rudely to the presenters. Maybe you should check your facts on his history of doing unfavorable things in the city.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that we as a society always look at the negative? Mr. Kuhn volunteered his time to help guide the city. It may not be the way that the majority liked it but he was doing things with the cities best interest at heart.

Ask the city manager how much money was in the cities budget prior to his 4 year term in office and how much is there now? If I am not mistaken, Arkansas City actually has money in its reserve.

People are quick to say how poorly he did as a commissioner as well as the "three amigos," Scott Margolias and Dotty Smith. But of the amount of nay sayers on the blogs how many actually would step up to the plate and run for office? Its not a very lucrative job, I think they make around $100-200 per month (county commissioners make around $1700 per month plus KPERS).

For people that forgot, Mr. Kuhn has donated on the last 7-8 Habitat for Humanity houses. He has served on numerous boards and he employ's almost 20 people in Cowley County.

Sure he made some mistakes (obvious by the article in the paper) but he also does good things as well.

Mr. Kuhn, Mrs. Dotty Smith and Mr. Jean Snell,thank you for your service to our community. Thanks for donating your time away from your families and other obligations to help guide this city the best way you saw fit.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to the Three Amigos.

Anonymous said...

They call it public SERVICE for a reason.

Anonymous said...

As far as the TIF. He didn't even let the developers give the information to the city so it could be thoroughly reviewed before he acted so rudely to the presenters. Maybe you should check your facts on his history of doing unfavorable things in the city.

Gee, as I recall the facts were to be presented in stages or phases! (Wasn't it 5 stages?)

At one point (not sure which one it was now) to continue to see the facts you had to commit to the PROJECT! (No backing out!)

It was a trap by the Developer and ACI! Kuhn saw through the SMOKE that filled the eyes of the PUBLIC! (He didn't see any need to proceed - and I believe he knew Winfield had already rejected it because of the TIF!)

What a deal - you got to vote FOR IT before you can see everything thats in it!
(Do you suppose Nancy P. learned that from the Developer and ACI?)

Anonymous said...

You must be a commissioner. Only the 3 Amigos had a weaker grip on reality. I'm not sure which one knew the least about the situation, but that explains all of the misinformation you are trying to share

Anonymous said...

You must be a commissioner. Only the 3 Amigos had a weaker grip on reality.

Gee, I kind of expected someone to staighten me out with all the "FACTS".

I guess the truth will never be known - because you would only get to see Phase 1 and Phase 2 for "FREE".

But then it's gonna cost you to see the rest of the plan - and No you can't BACK OUT!

What was in that project proposal that couldn't be reviewed as one
Plan and for "Free"!

Inquiring minds would like to KNOW? (I got some ideas because there were some rumors and leaks - but I ain't saying.:)

Btw: That grip on reality really sucks when certain parties chose to with hold those facts! (Even in the event it never got passed!)
They just stood in an empty field holding a blueprint on the front page of the Paper! So much for the facts - at least for the Public who was being asked to fund the infrastructure part of the Project!

Anonymous said...

At one point (not sure which one it was now) to continue to see the facts you had to commit to the PROJECT! (No backing out!)


That is not the way it happened. The city was under zero obligation to go to the next fact finding phase.

David, help us out here. You have access to the articles from when this all went down.

As far as I remember Kuhn rudely and unprofessionally killed the deal even before we had seen the actual proposal. That would have been the next step, and would not have caused an obligation or cost any money. That is the reason the three amigos were voted out at the soonest opportunity, which I have long held would be the outcome. Good riddance to them.

Anonymous said...

That is not the way it happened. The city was under zero obligation to go to the next fact finding phase.

Why would you even consider a proposal that was presented in fact finding stages? The second stages was at zero obligation to the City. But from that point on it was a Deal On or Deal OFF!

Why was KUHN and the three Amigos at fault for not wanting to review a loaded proposal completely controlled by the Developer and ACI?

Kuhn was representing the interest of the Citizens - I think he took that responsibilty very serious!

ACI probably had a Grander PLAN than just a Lowes and one other store. (Appleby's probably not but - it really created a stir with the locals.)

It would be interesting to see that blueprint they held in the Paper up close! (Makes you wonder why it never made the Paper in the first place.)

Anonymous said...

Kuhn and Smith did not represent the interest of the Citizens. They represented themselves and a few good ole boy business owners here in town. They had a personal axe to grind with Lowes for various reasons and Kuhn has dealings with a couple of the local businesses that opposed it. Get your facts straight. If you dig a little deeper you might see these same businesses that opposed the TIF deal are also the sames ones that might have helped Kuhn out of his "Tax Issues"???

Anonymous said...

They had a personal axe to grind with Lowes for various reasons and Kuhn has dealings with a couple of the local businesses that opposed it.

Well I have to admit I agree with part of your post!

People who would be in direct competition with Lowes probably were concerned about staying in business! (In both Winfield and Ark City.)

But, the "Power Players of ACI" weren't too concerned about those businesses or owners! (Look what they were going to bring to the Area - and all the money they could make!)

Besides, wasn't one of the goals to take money from others areas
and bring it to Ark City in the form of Sales Tax? Now there's a plan that the whole area can grab onto for a developement that probably would provide 100+ jobs!)

It's just killing those GOOD OL BOY'S at ACI that they invested in that Land and they can't get the taxpayers money to develope it!
(When all along it was in the County and they never paid taxes to Ark City! They may have never had to if they called it a tax Island. But still they weren't regulated by the City!)(However I do think they used Ark City to get IRB's to build some warehouses!)

Yep, it was Kuhn (three Amigos)the local businesses/men/women (probably from both towns) who are the Villains!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Btw: You know to be really "FAIR" I think it was said in the Paper that those business owners (or at least some of them) said that if Lowe's had come in on their own -paid for all the developement they couldn't or wouldn't have stopped them! (They (the local business owners) just didn't want to subsidize their own demise!)

Have I got my facts about right or Straight Yet?

That might have even been the case in Winfield without a TIF!

Anonymous said...

Those businesses would have had to pay 100% of their taxes. Sales and property taxes. Kuhn and company twisted the truth to make you believe otherwise, but the truth is the truth. There were NO tax breaks to the new businesses. They would have had to pay 100% of all their taxes with no rebates or returns. But, those new taxes collected would have been earmarked for improvements to streets, utilities, parking and sidewalks in that area. I'm guessing the 3 amigos wanted the citizens to pay for those improvements? That was how the "local business" spun it to avoid any competition so we could continue to pay outlandish prices or drive 30 miles to Lowe's and shop there anyway.

Anonymous said...

That was how the "local business" spun it to avoid any competition so we could continue to pay outlandish prices or drive 30 miles to Lowe's and shop there anyway.

Maybe you could have ended up with some empty buildings in BOTH TOWNS and fewer businesses to pay taxes!

But you just keep on pushing for or pulling for the PEOPLE who are more concerned about promoting their own PLANS. Rather than building or rebuilding the area - what we really need is jobs and a concentrated effort to develope areas like Strother Field! Which is already in PLACE and OWNED by the two Cities!

Let ACI develope their own Property!


Sell it out right to Ark City and let them make it an Idustrial Park! (No strings attached!)

Anonymous said...

Poor Mell. People don't appreciate him. Do you think he brought some of it on himself and some of it might be true? When did hell freeze over and Mell care what people thought about him???