Wednesday, April 20, 2011

School grant

Kind of ironic that while the state cuts education funding for local schools, our local high school can get $72,000 in federal grant money to fund a new program for criminal justice instruction.

There are those who will say we can't afford it, like the bike path, but this is money already made available through grant applications and we would be silly not to go after it, especially has other sources of funding are being cut.

Congrats to the schools for winning these funds. Sounds like an innovative program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Criminal Justice instruction? In High School? Our local college has a criminal justice course. Why would we need to teach high school kids these things? So we can have more government agents? More TSA agents? More border patrol agents who will sit on their hands because they aren't allowed to actually arrest illegal aliens?

Are the majority of jobs in our new world going to involve working for the government in a criminal justice capacity?

Dumb idea.