Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It's voting day.
Turnout expected to by 15 percent. Pretty pathetic. It's an important local election, but they all are, really.

Here are Traveler's endorsements for Ark City commission. You'll have to read the paper to get the full argument.

I really do think that all the candidates are qualified, just some more than others. But there are differences in style and vision for the future, or priorities is maybe a better word.

If past is prologue, voters will vote out one or two of the current incumbents, Jean Snell and Dottie Smith.

If this election is seen through the TIF prism by voters, it could see another shift in power from pro-tiffers to less-than prof tiffers. If Smith, Giles and Hirst get elected, that cooperation and partnership with ACI and growth toward the north end of town could be put on hold.

But if Snell, Hockenbury and Tweedy get elected, there's more probability that things will advance in that direction.

If a combination of the above get elected, we'll continue with a split commission on that issue. And I'll bet that happens.

I think what will be interesting will be whether voters will decide to hold the incumbents accountable for the personnel/severance agreements at City Hall. If so, both Smith and Snell could go down.

But, voters could see that commissioners have moved past that, with Steve Archer gone, and credit them for real progress being made in recent years (streets, hospital, overpass, new businesses openings)

Or perhaps all this is way too much over analyizing and people will just vote on who they like.

Good luck to all the candidates. I admire anybody who throws there hat into the ring. Takes courage and sacrifice.


Anonymous said...

We are not going to vote anymore, for the first time in our lives!!Politicians on all levels of government only serve a VERY SMALL contingency, and as we are poor, and non-influencial is this community, our concerns have NEVER BEEN ADDRESSED. We pay our taxes on autos and home, but are made to feel like dirt if we approach the commission!!!

Anonymous said...

"I admire anybody who throws there hat into the ring."


Anonymous said...

why is it that people think the commission is all powerful and can settle each individual's personal problems? These people set overall policy. They lead the city in a particular direction. If you have an individual problem you have to take some responsibility yourself. If the commission had to make exceptions for everyone there would be no purpose in trying to create a set of comprehensive policies.

If you do vote, vote on a person that will move things in the direction you like, don't expect them to completely solve your personal problem. If you don't vote you have no right to expect anything.

I like the fact that our commission tries to do things, some more than others, but I can't see any way possible that they could solve every problem of every person in the city. Grow up and take some responsibility!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever actually tried to talk to a commissioner? During a meeting, or in person? How do you know who they represent. From what I've seen different commissioners have different concerns. Some look at each person others seem to try to figure out best for all. Either way you should talk to as many commissioners as you can if you really want help and are not just whining.

Anonymous said...

"I admire anybody who throws there hat into the ring."


Yeah, I noticed that as well. You'd think that a newspaper man would know how to use "their" and "there" correctly.