Saturday, September 6, 2008

More on Palin's religious views

Good story, although just scratching the surface, on Palin's religious background/views


Anonymous said...

I read the article, and I agree w/ you, it was wel written. But... from you other comments (and other's), it seems that you do not approve. It seems to me, that you would prefer an atheist as a VP, or President. If that is so, you would have to disqualify about every president we have had. You would have to nullify the Declaration, the Constitution, and call in question the Federalist Papers (one of my favorite readings), because they all mention a God. Though I do beleive the AoG church is somewaht different, and a little extreme, non-denoms usually aren't. I believe in the Bible, and use it as a moral compass in my life. As teh Paster of Wasilla Bible Church said, it is up to the person to try to figure out what God is saying to them. As for Palin's reference about the War In Iraq, I think she is referring more that she is praying that the men who have sent our soldiers into combat are going God's Will, and not their own. Maybe that is why it has gone bad for so far; God's Will wasn't considered. Maybe He didn't want us there, or at least not there YET. This election; I think it is God's Will that Palin was chosen. Personally, I thought a good woman for the ticket would have been Condi Rice, but Palin was chosen. And, after all the hub-bub of this week, I think it was the right choice.

Anonymous said...


Isn't it about time you explained your obvious bias against Christians and their faith? What is it that offends you so much?

Politics 101 said...

No problem with "Christians." Problem with the minority of Christians and any other dogmatic group that likes foists their religious views on others through public policy.

Oh, and the "you're going to hell if you don't believe as I do" thing can be a little off putting, although I do my best to practice what I preach and be open minded about the whole thing.

Palin's religious background raises questions to me (and many others) about how she would govern. Although the last post (an AP article) makes me feel a tad better.

Anonymous said...

"...any other dogmatic group that likes foists their religious views on others through public policy."

You mean kind of like our nation's founders?

Thinking like yours where your high-minded idealism trumps everyone else's views is in large part what is leading to the unraveling of the threads that make up our great nation.

Anonymous said...

I would much prefer an atheist in the White house. Imagine a leader that doesn't start wars in the name of god. how nice would that be. Religion has killed more people than old age, and without it, we would be a better world.

But, as it is now, I must look past religious beliefs (since I think they are all hooey) and examine the other reasons to vote for one candidate over the other. In this race, it will be Guns, abortion, and economy. And Palin would get my vote for Pez over McCain if I could vote that way.

Anonymous said...

Gods will wasn't considered??? in politics it shouldn't be! funny how more people have died in the name of god and more wars fought in the name of god, history shows and proves this, so much for Christian values and loving one another huh at least the atheists can only blame themselves instead of hiding behind Gods will

Anonymous said...

I mean seriously, did someone just post that our founding fathers were Christian and wanted to "foist their religious views on others through public policy"? Seriously, did they learn history in a church?

The vast majority of our founding fathers were Deists, not Christian. In fact, in the 1770's, one out of seven people were professed Christians. They despised the Theocracy of Brittain and did everything they could to eliminate religion from our new government.

The "Natures God" mentioned in the Declaration of Independence is not "The Father" Jesus spoke of. Research what "Natures God" means for yourself, don't let your pastor tell you what it means.

The word "God" does not appear in our Constitution for a reason... Most people should worry if the next president is a Christian, just look where the last "Christian" took our country.