Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rumors, religiousity, etc..

A poster raised the spector of "rumors" about Kasha Kelley's personal life in a blog post. It was a brief mention in a longer post about other issues, so I let it go. Others asked for clarification, but I rejected the post that explained the "rumors." I will do my best NOT to allow this blog to spread unfounded rumors about somebody's personal life, even if they are elected officials.

None of us deserve that treatment — even in cyberspace.

Questioning someone's religious authenticity, however, is fair game these days with religion so embedded in political life. Barack Obama can tell you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Dave for sparing us at least on the rumors. I still disagree with your posting about questioning even an elected official's faith as that is still in the rumor realm to me. But at least your not totally off the reservation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thank you Dave for sparing us at least on the rumors. I still disagree with your posting about questioning even an elected official's faith as that is still in the rumor realm to me. But at least your not totally off the reservation.

Whomever it is that posted the above comment, I wish you had been a national media person when all this disappointing rumor was flying about a presidential candidate. Unfortunately, the nation has been subjected to such drivel and misinformation when the matters confronting the nation and its citizens are far too great to be lost on manipulating one's fear with falsehoods.

I wish you would look for a way to repeat your statement to as many as possible.