Thursday, September 18, 2008

Trickle down?

How much do you think national political winds against incumbents and the Republican Party in general will affect state races?

I haven't seen any polls on how Kansans think about the direction the state is in, but my guess is that it's not too much better than the anxious feelings people have across the country.

This could bode well for Burr against Kelley, an incumbent Republican who probably would do well to highlight independence from her party, which runs the Legislature. But it could also serve Abrams well against Goodwin. She's a Democrat, but she's is a long-time legislator and could be perceived to be part of the problem ....


IndependentThinker said...

Before I can make a more detailed post, does anyone know of a place to see Kasha Kelleys voting record? I would venture to guess that her record falls in line with the Republican Party agenda. What has she voted for that specifically benefits my family here in Cowley County? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Goodwin will have a problem no matter what shape the political climate is in November. As the saying goes, she's made her own bed and now she'll have to lie in it. Kelly is a Republican but she also is critical of the party. She's more of a people first person than a party first so who knows if national politics will have an affect. And if it does it could be a positive one with the swing in the poles for McCain and the Alaska gov. Guess we'll know in not very long.

Anonymous said...

Well as of this morning, the polls have swung back to Obama, the pretty pep rally is over for now.

Anonymous said...

John McCain, 2005: "I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole. I urge my colleagues to support swift action on this GSE reform legislation." BLOCKED BY DEMOCRATS. Democrats, do you want to point fingers? I think an investigation is in order. Who REALLY fought for Freddie/Fannie oversight, and who stalled it?
We are becoming a socialist state. Bailing out companies that made stupid business decisions...

Curious said...

Anonymous #1:

I don't know what or who you're listening to regarding Kelley. She's the Kansas Republican Assembly's (Far, Far Right) poster girl. She's as far from a populous choice as a candidate can get.

The Palin bump appears to have run its course. McCain's candidacy may hurt all GOP candidates. Any candidate aligned with "more of the same" appears in trouble.

Regarding Goodwin, she certainly marches to her own drummer - and she'll tell you that herself. She's not in line with her party or anyone elses. We'll have to see.

Anonymous said...

Kasha Kelly, you are doing an awesome job in Topeka! Keep it up. I hope someday you become our Representative in D.C.

Don't be moved by the negativism. We voted for you once, and we will again, and again, and again.
Kasha Kelly is an honest person. Doing her best to help us.

IndependentThinker said...

Found site to display voting records at

"Kasha is a people first" type of politician? Huh, look at the voting record and tell me where she has varied from her party agenda? Why did she not show up for the "eminent domain" or "health care reform" votes if she in fact was a "people first" type of person. Sounds a little like she shied away from the potentially dangerous votes for convienence. Look at the record and show where she has voted to benefit a family here in Cowley County? Why hasn't she introduced anything in Topeka that the people of Cowley County are concerned with? People first? It's hard to prove that statement.

Curious said...

Ooooops... I obviously meant "populist candidate." Sorry.

IndependentThinker said...

I guess the whole "honesty" thing depends on your party affiliation. A Republican will think she "honest," a Democrat will believe all the "rumors" that surround her and her family's personal life, and an independent will want her to explain her side of the rumors prior to making that judgement.

Anonymous said...

I beg your pardon, but Kelley has done MUCH for the people of Cowley County -- directly and indirectly! I don't know where you got your info about Eminent Domain, but she carried and defended the bill in the House in 06.

She also sponsored and pushed through "Jodi's Law" -- ask the Sanderholms if that is not important!

She sponsored and pushed through the budget transparency legislation, which Goodwin fought every inch of the way. Although she tried to take credit later, I have an email from Goodwin that was extremely negetive about the bill! This bill is a first ever in the country; as a result Kasha has been invited to speak at a couple of national forums on it, and others (including the U.S. legislature) are hoping to pass a similar bill, modeled after hers.

She sponsored and passed the legislation making 'mini trucks' legal.

She voted across party lines on several important bills. Check out more of what she stands for at her site at

Anonymous said...

Thank You!
Anyone who knows her knows Kasha is a good, honest, hardworking person. She is a real leader, not a follower. (even if she has to break ranks with Republicans sometimes) She votes her heart.

Thank You, Kasha!

Politics 101 said... has an impressive database of elected officials in the country.
Burr used that to claim that Kelley votes with her Party more than most legislators

Anonymous said...

What I thought was interesting was after Kasha had fought to get the stalking bill through (Greta opposed her), when finally they are in the presence of the Gov. and the Sanderholm family for the signing...
Guess who is in front of the camera with much emotion...of all people ...Greta Goodwin. Hogging the camera. (This pic was on the front page of the Traveler for those who like research)
Opportunism at it's worst. Greta lost at least 1 person in her corner on that. Me.

IndependentThinker said...

Anonymous: What is the number one problem that Cowley residents have? What has Kelley done to improve or eliminate this issue? Please don't say that now that “mini-trucks” are legal, Cowley is a better place. I get my information about her voting record at, look for yourself before you make the claim that “She voted across party lines on several important bills.” Please name one of these across party line votes for us.

It appears that a few people here are confusing her "reactions" to issues with proactive law making. It's not fair to tell me to ask the Sanderholms if the slight change in the stalking law affects their lives, what a horrible thing to ask of me. The fact that "Jodi's Law" is the same as the previous state law minus the word “credible threat” is never discussed by those who give her credit for it. It was not an original Kelley thought to make this change to the law, for example, states like New Mexico threw out the words “credible threat” years ago. The fact that she gets the type of credit she does for this from people like “anonymous” just proves that the majority of voters are truly “uninformed” voters. Yes, she should be commended for her quick reaction to point out a problem with a law and initiating the steps to improve it, but to paint her as someone with the “vision” to create a law such as this is very misleading. Where I would give the most credit for this change would be to Chris Smith, County Attorney, for planting this idea in her head and telling her that this was an obstacle for law enforcement.

Kelley does deserve credit for the creation of the Taxpayer Transparency Act, but how exactly does this help a Cowley County resident again? How does it reform Health Care? How does it make it easier for a business to set up shop in Cowley to employ those in need of a job? Is this one of the “direct” or “indirect” things Kelley has helped Cowley with? Has this made a name for herself?

Kelley speaks about helping Cowley residents with lower taxes, but also claims that state spending is out of control. And she will also be the first to tell you that a reason to vote for her is because she belongs to the party that is “in control” in Topeka. Does anyone else see the farce in this?

IndependentThinker said...

...a real leader, not a follower. (even if she has to break ranks with Republicans sometimes)...

Speaking of “trickle down,” this sentiment appears to be a popular one with republicans today. “Let's claim that we don't always agree with the party to make us look better...”(sarcasm intended). It certainly is trinklin' down...

Anonymous said...

Independent Thinker, not so independent? Ask law enforcement if the change to Jodi's law was minor. You sound like a student of Goodwin (who has made this claim since Kasha took on the issue). Transparency helps the entire state. Instead of criticism, why don't you use the site she got created and start looking at the spending so you can use it to affect how the politicians in Topeka spend. Thank you Kasha. I have taken the time to go to Topeka, have you? I have followed Kasha around and watched how she works for our district. Have you? I can guarantee that whatever your looking at isn't telling the story. I watched amendment votes where she voted sometimes with, sometimes against, her party. Those votes don't show up on the final bill. Get real. I'm up for giving all candidates, Burr included, a thorough look, but how about looking honestly and not trying to cloud issues. I have found that politics are not simple. They are complicated and alot goes into the votes and bills. Maybe you should take some time and follow her around too. Perhaps you'd be more respectful of all she's tried to do for us. This lady really cares about her district and her state.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Kasha voted with Republicans on some votes? Yea, that sounds about right since she is... a... REPUBLICAN. That doesn't keep her from voting against her own party or disagreeing with them. And when she's right to do that, she should be commended. I guess the thought is Burr will never vote with Democrats becaues he's so, whatever he is? Of course he will. The governor will make him. And if you look, there are many votes where, oh God, everyone votes for the same thing. Now we're really in trouble because everyone is following everyone else.

IndependentThinker said...

To anonymous who criticized my screen name:

You see, you do exactly what is being criticized by many about the republican party on a national scale, you make open ended comments with no facts to support your statement. For example, “Obama will raise your taxes” is a rallying cry for McCain and yet he (nor his campaign) is unable to point out anything that supports this claim. If they were to try, they would be exposed in a lie. The fact remains, Obama's proposal is to lower taxes for 95% of Americans (those who make less than $250,000 annually). You then say that the real work Kelley does doesn't show up on the final vote and claim that she helps Cowley residents and crosses party lines. Again, the source I look at that tells me that she doesn't waiver from party lines is her actual voting record. And again, how does having the ability to see the spending of the state beneficial to me and my family? You suggest I use the website to affect how politician spend? What sense does that make? How does that make health care more attainable for Cowley residents? Or am I to believe that having my local politician cast votes in favor of businesses and the rich, is somehow going to make health care more attainable? Yeah, you're right, businesses will now make more money and they will automatically use that money to provide more affordable health care for their employees (sarcasm intended). Oh, and since I can see how money is spent in Topeka, I can somehow influence their vote.

You tell me to ”Get real” because you have found that “politics are not simple,” you then call me a “student of Goodwin.” OK, how does Jodi's law differ from the previous stalking law on the books besides the alteration of the words “credible threat?” Minor? What is the contact information for “law enforcement” and I would definitely ask them on your behalf. I have never met Goodwin and have heard her speak at public forums, that hardly qualifies me as a student of hers. Is she a teacher?

Well, I would love to have the time to follow local politicians around. I will choose to reject your suggestion. I have more important priorities. You have followed her around and watched her in Topeka? Is your name Scott or Greg or are you bordering on stalking her?

Sorry to be so sarcastic in this one... Your last point brings up my point exactly with Kelley. I don't think that she has done anything specifically for the residents of Cowley. The whole story is told in her voting record. Do we need to dive into her voting record to see exactly what each vote meant for the residents of Cowley County? Maybe that could be an assignment for the Traveler staff...

Anonymous said...'re a democrat. plain & simple. whether you claim the tag or not. I guess you'll be voting for Ralph Nader. nah, don't tell me, i think i can guess....

I challenge you. call the chief of police here in Ark City & ask him if Jodi's law will help the police do their job more effectively. (He will take your call & be glad to visit with you)
He has told me personally that it has & will help in the future.
Call him, he won't mind, as he is a very nice man.

The problem with liberals is, no matter how much facts, truth, & evidence you shower them with, they just don't want to hear it. Tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend. "I will take from those nasty rich people and give it away to those poor, poor people." That's all Obama really has promised. He's so vague you can't really pin much else down he plans.
Class warfare is what he offers.

Not so with Kasha. She told us what she stood for before she went Topeka, and she has delivered.

Anonymous said...

if transparency isn't good for every citizen of the state then I think I'm missing something. is there some reason why that is somehow less good for cowley countians? knowing how our tax dollars is spent and holding politicians to account for that is good for me and most of the people I know. with all of the overspending going on (which Kelley has been trying to curtail), THAT has got to be good for even us in cowley doesn't it? am I missing something here? if our tax dollars don't get overspent doesn't that give a greater likelihood the dollars would be available to help out in the area of healthcare. frankly though, I don't see how a chicken in every pot (free healthcare for everyone) is good for anyone. it is impossible unless you want to pay twice what you are now in taxes. that kind of tax grab and giveaway would be an unprecedented move by a US government entity. if that is your idea of utopia please consider moving to Canada. I believe they could use your type of "independent thinking" there.

on to other things. the minitrucks might not be the salvation of cowley county or any other county but it came about as a request from some local and was a change in the law that they requested and she followed through on. if you have some requests or suggestions of your own maybe you should bring those to her attention if you think it will be a good thing for our area. she has certainly showed an ability to get things done even if they aren't things that help someone like you.

one more thing. the lake. she carried and helped pass eminent domain legislation that helped protect private property rights of all Kansans. maybe you arn't a property owner so this doesn't excite you much either.

you must not have any daughters mothers, sisters or female friends either. they will have better protection against stalking as a result of the changes she made in the law. feel free to call the County Attorney or ANYONE involved in local law enforcement if you need some sort of verification of the benefits that came about from the change. I don't know if she was asked by law enforcement to do that or how it came about. I don't even know that it matters. what I do know is that women in Kansas are safer as a result and she was the one to push that through. nothing more. nothing less. I don't see how you criticize an elected representative responding to that kind of need and getting that accomplished. isn't that their job? if so, then it doesn't make sense to ridicule them for doing it.

you also made a remark about the things she has done not being leadership but just reactionary. it all that she has gotten done was "reactionary" then I just wish we could have at least 100 more "reactionary" reps in Topeka. if they were all as effective as she has been then we would certainly all be better off.

actually as I wrote that just now another thought came to mind. she bucked her party and got funding for the veterans. they wanted to hold off and bring it up later in the session. she knew the money would be tight and felt that was too critical of an issue to wait around on to see if the funding would be there later.

leadership by the way IS what she has done on the transparency issue. Kansas led the nation in that effort and ours was the first state to get it passed through the legislature. or no, maybe that was reactionary instead? because she saw a need and responded to that need, does that mean it was visionary leadership or was it just reactionary. it matters just a little less that we have it since it doesn't help independent thinker. but, since it is still helpful to the rest of us who choose to use that power of information now made available I'll still consider it to be important and significant.

Anonymous said...

As someone who has a lot of training from the KBI in the "old" Stalking law (before the recent changes), I can tell you that it was VERY difficult to prove a Stalking case, even when we knew that someone was being stalked.

You basically had to have the stalker tell the victim that they were going to hurt or kill them, AND it had to be in front of a witness, or recorded on tape before a prosecutor would touch it.

Now it will be much easier (but hopefully not too easy) to charge someone. I only hope officers use this new law, and their discretion, wisely.

Anonymous said...

"OK, how does Jodi's law differ from the previous stalking law on the books besides the alteration of the words “credible threat?” Minor? What is the contact information for “law enforcement” and I would definitely ask them on your behalf."

your words. you asked for contact info. here it is.
Call Chief Wallace and he has the legal expertise to explain. (He is always ready to speak to the citizens of A.C. that have a question or concern) He has no agenda, except that of keeping the citizens of A.C. safe.
A.C.P.D. 441-4444

Anonymous said...

"He has no agenda, except that of keeping the citizens of A.C. safe."

Not sure I'd go THAT far!

IndependentThinker said...

Wow!! You guys got really riled up. It hard to follow all the new directions you guys have taken my simple point. I made the point that Kelley should not get credit for being "visionary" because the idea was planted in her head. I made the point that Kelley has not done anything to help Cowley resients and you guys believe that the ability to view how money is spent in Topeka is benefitting Cowley residents. I just don't see how that benefits my family, sorry.

I would like to address the person who thinks he knows me and classifies me as a Democrat. I voted for Bush Sr., then Clinton, then Dole, then Bush Jr., then Kerry. I voted for Kelley in 2004 or 05 and didn't have a chance to vote for someone else last time. I am a unaffiliated, registered voter. So, "Dow Jones," you made the age-old mistake of assuming that you know what is going on.

Back to my point, I do not trust Kelley anymore. I feel that she is in it to make a name for herself. I come to that conclusion by looking at her voting record an listening to what she says at public events. The rumors that surround her paint this same picture. One rumor can be dismissed, but several of the same type merits investigation. I know her personally, and feel that she is a "lip-service" Christian who is only "Christ-Like" in words, not deeds. She is a "Political Christian," which means that she views the association to Christianity as more important than the practice of its teachings. My impression is that she is more concerned with how things appear rather than if it works or not.

Sorry to ruffle so many feathers, I had no idea that you all were so brainwashed in the Republican indoctrination.

Oh, and "Dow," you're right about how I will vote this time around. The programs that Obama is proposing are indeed noble causes, something worth spending money on. Your "tax, tax, tax-spend,spend, spend" mantra is quite frankly getting very old. Obama is proposing a tax cut and less spending, compare his plan with your guys. Wait, we don't know what your guy is planning yet, besides more war and no money to pay for it...

Anonymous said...

What rumors do you keep referring to? I haven't heard any rumors about Kelly. Spill it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my. Its horrific how some liberals can twist things. I'll leave the political arguments alone; some thinking people have explained very clearly what a great job Kasha has done for us.

By the way, do you realize she has Dems who support her strongly? A couple of them are even on her election committee!

The judgement about her Christianity is what really ires me. First, how dare we judge someone elses relationship with Jesus??? Anyone who has walked with Kasha, or observed up close how she handles her personal life AND her politics, will know her commitment to Him is real, very real.

Although some may not think it huge, just the way she's handling herself in this campaign against a negative, dishonest opponent would be proof enough for me of her integrity. Honesty and genuine care for others are some of the "fruits" of being a believer.

Anonymous said...

Independtthinker -- you are drinking the Obama kool-aid. Seriously. If I wanted socialism, I would move to a country that had tried it and it worked -- oh wait -- where would that be??? It doesn't work and I don't believe in any of his old ideas that he is re-manufacturing trying to ruin our country with.

I personally like Kasha and will be voting for her, so who is it you will be voting for that you think will do so much for you? If you want something to benefit your family here in Cowley County, get off your tushy and make it happen. It's sad people just sit around and wait for the government to do something for them. Right now our Country is going thru some hard times, that happens. Tighten up your belt and be an American -- we'll get thru it like we always do. So you might not be able to buy that big screen TV that the Jone's have -- big deal.

What exactly are you looking for to benefit your family anyway?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Hatred, jealousy and judgmental words at their ugliest. Hope your not judged so harshly for the things you write independentthinker. How sad.

Anonymous said...

you are drinking the Obama kool-aid. Seriously. If I wanted socialism, I would move to a country that had tried it

Seems to me you are doing more than drinking kool-aid, you need to sober up what Bush and his imps are selling is socialism, the government wants to use you money and you not get anything out of it at all, by the way congress does not even like the proposed plan saying it will socialize the country anyway, so you can put that on Obama or maybe you have something else against Obama (huh)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave why don't you get the real info on what taxes were supposed to be for and how long they where to be put in place for some of us bloggers. Then maybe some people would understand the difference between Obama and McCain.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me you are doing more than drinking kool-aid, you need to sober up what Bush and his imps are selling is socialism, the government wants to use you money and you not get anything out of it at all, by the way congress does not even like the proposed plan saying it will socialize the country anyway, so you can put that on Obama or maybe you have something else against Obama (huh)
I guess if you don't really understand what socialism is -- then there is no point trying to argue it...
And what are you implying that I have against Obama?? That seems to be the dirty way you guys try to get your point across -- but since he does it himself -- I guess you are just following his lead. IT'S NOT WORKING!!

IndependentThinker said...

Sorry guys, my response with the "rumors," religion, and kool-aid post was not approved for viewing.

Anonymous said...

Can't make your point without being nice?

IndependentThinker said...

It figures that you would make that assumption.... No, I think that the Blog manager doesn't want certain things to be revealed about Kelley. It was full of my own opinions, but I claimed them as my own....

Anonymous said...

The following comment cropped form this thread is, by the way, also judgmental. To assert your own knowledge of whether one is or is not a follower of Christ is judgmental. God alone shall judge botht he quickened and the dead. According to the scriptures, it speaks explicitly that many we suppose to be deserving, in our minds, of eternal life will be rejected. Likewise, there are those on whom people look down and vilify who will hear the Lord say, well done... enter in. If what the Bible says has any relevance to this brik a brak

Copied text follows:

"The judgement about her Christianity is what really ires me. First, how dare we judge someone elses relationship with Jesus??? Anyone who has walked with Kasha, or observed up close how she handles her personal life AND her politics, will know her commitment to Him is real, very real."

Anonymous said...

what amazes me Dave is that you allowed that post about Kelly's faith in the first place. How do you make your decisions about what to put through and what not? very clearly indythinker is spewing venomous lies, false allegations, and spreading rumors they made up themselves or were made up by opposition who hates Kelly. all of this would never have been posted by you if it had been about Burr. One post full of truth and questions about Burr you never bothered to post. though they are not the same in any way as questioning someone's faith is completely out of line, it is about time you put the truth out there. it is very clear that the core of Burr's campaign is about trying to make Kelly look bad. it is also very clear that he is doing this because he can't give any good reason why anyone should vote FOR him. furthermore he claims to be a COMMON man. this could be no further from the truth. how does he explain living in one of the nicest homes in ark city, going to europe twice a year and being a school administrator for 20 years. none of these items of his history are close to "common". I don't get it. try being even handed for once.

Curious said...

independentthinker is raising his/her own questions about the Kelley race.

If you have listened carefully, it's not judgement that riles any of Kasha's opponents. It's hypocrisy. And it's central to the argument regarding her many claims. I'm not much on rumors because they're so easy to plant. So, I'll stick with researched evidence. I just wish we could see more of it from our news. However, in fairness, small town newspapers have a terrifically hard time being dogged in their reporting or investigation...the financial hardship that it may possibly cause could be devastating. Although, I'll admit, It's hard not to hear the rumors that independentthinker refers to.

I actually agree with those who say judgement is better left to Peter and his boss when we all get to the Pearly Gates. But, as previous posts will confirm, I question the level of trust we should place in her to represent our interests rather than her interests to align herself with power-brokers in Wichita for her political aspirations of the future.

And...regarding Ms. Kelley's voting record...look it up. She's the 123rd worst out of 125 members of the house regarding 'reaching across the aisle.' For those who claim she votes her own's a little hard to believe considering that mountain of evidence.

Anonymous said...

Curious doth beat a dead horse. I'm glad you actually think we care what you think. I'm also glad you are so far out in the left side of shrillness that no one can even hear what you are saying.

Anonymous said...

The hating is getting old. You don't really know her, but you think you do, and you can't stand her because she doesn't think like you. Tragic because of how divisive you are. Try to find commonality and build on that for a change.

Curious said...

What common ground?

This election is about difference. Just as the national elections are.

Obviously, I'm hopeful for a tidal wave of change from the conservative stranglehold that's keeping our Country, our State and our County from bigger and better things.

Anonymous said...

So, "Curious", what DOES Burr stand for other than spreading negative lies about Kelley? When is he going to even be honest enough to run a photo of himself NOW instead of a 20-year-old photo? Some good, honest campaigning on his part, as Kelley is doing, would make it a good campaign .... what we're getting is a bunch of hogwash.