Monday, September 15, 2008

Why both?

I'm having a hard time figuring out why Ark City city officials want to put both the road tax and hospital tax on the ballot at the same time. Seems to me that this gives voters a chance to pick between them. In the clutter of the general election campaign, making the case for BOTH projects will be hard to do.

I would think they would want to the take the route of school bond, for at least one of the initiatives.

If a tax increase is the only question on the ballot - esp. a mail ballot - you might be able to drive voter turnout among people paying attention and likely to vote for such improvements.

With a huge turnout for the general, you'll get people who are just there to vote for president and who won't want to raise their taxes for anything.

Probably this analysis is missing something. Interested in what others think?


Anonymous said...

I heard a joke today:

Obama and McCain are on the same plane, and it goes down in the middle of the ocean...
Who gets saved?
The United States of America!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sales tax makes sence How many people in Ark City help build the colliseum in Wichita.

Anonymous said...

It makes sense too.

Anonymous said...

Simple, having a seperate ballot for the tax increases cost more money....isn't this town already griping enough about spending dollars.

Anonymous said...

This town complains about anything to improve it.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
This town complains about anything to improve it."

Correction!!!! The complainers complain. Not everyone complains.

I am not so confident that two sales tax initiatives are the right way to go. Feels more like an ultimatum or carte blanche.

I suppose the vote will define the citizen priorities. Both are critical infrastructure issues. One was brought to the commission to address (health care) and the other (traffic-way improvement) was carried forth from the campaign commitment of Kuhn.

He spoke of better traffic-ways. Here is his pitch. File that for those who argue that campaign promises are all empty.

Not an endorsement but simply pointing out that he conveyed strong feelings about city streets as a candidate and even though health care might be crowding for center stage attention, Kuhn still utilizes his mayoral seat to promote his improvement agenda.

Kind of interesting huh?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This town complains about anything to improve it.

September 18, 2008 1:43 PM

I think people complain about the new things some people want mainly because some of the new stuff they ask for before (HAVE NOT!!!!) been taken care of like they should. How many times would you buy a unresponsible person something before you said you (DID NOT !!!) TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE GIVE YOU BEFORE!!!! Let's not Fleece our community until those in charge can prove they can appreciate what they have and how much we pay them to taake care of it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This town complains about anything to improve it.

September 18, 2008 1:43 PM

I think people complain about the new things some people want mainly because some of the new stuff they ask for before (HAVE NOT!!!!) been taken care of like they should. How many times would you buy a unresponsible person something before you said you (DID NOT !!!) TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE GIVE YOU BEFORE!!!! Let's not Fleece our community until those in charge can prove they can appreciate what they have and how much we pay them to taake care of it!!!!!!!