Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wingnut or God's agent?

Now I see why the Christian conservatives love her ...


Curious said...

I'd say this is exactly why Christian conservatives approve of Ms. Palin as McCain's choice. Sarah Palin's connection to the far right is very clear. This link provides plenty of evidence for their support.

No real surprises here. She owns the Far Right-Christian Conservative label and proudly displays it. Good for her. I'm also convinced she believes (as do her supporters) that she is God's agent and certainly NOT a Right-wing-nut.

Our options are clear in this election. Voter turnout of the convinced will carry the election. I doubt many folks (relative to the total) are on the fence right now. This will be an election that does not hinge on convincing the undecided.

I'm certainly not comfortable with her as a potential President (God forbid anything happens to Sen. McCain should he win). But, I've already have most Christian conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I didn't hear anything too outrageous there. No one saying the US Government brought the AIDS virus to the black man, no one yelling GD America and saying we got what we deserved on 9/11...I guess if you two think that is normal and not crazy, then we are all in trouble.

You guys are really reaching here because there really isn't anything bad about this woman. Finally someone who connects to the average American. And the Left has been caught off guard.

Anonymous said...

I miss the days when Pastors made sermons and Politicians made speeches.

I am an athiest, yet Palin's views expressed in those videos are FAR FAR better than the views expressed by Obama's pastor for the 20 years he was a member of the church of Jeremiah Wright.

I'll take a religious nut over an angry hater of white people any day.

Politics 101 said...

Newsflash — Obama has never said anything like the crazy stuff his pastor said. He rejected it. Palin, in fact, just a day or two ago distanced herself from a sermon she heard last month by a Jews for Jesus pastor.

From ABC's Jake Tapper, Sept. 3.

McCain-Palin campaign spokesman Goldfarb said that Brickner "was a guest at the church who Gov. Palin did not know would be speaking, and she does not share the views he expressed. She and her family would not have been sitting in the pews of the church if those remarks were remotely typical."

The fascinating things is that Palin, it appears, prays and wants others to pray for her political/governing agenda, as if it's God's will. Maybe I'm misreading this, but doesn't that assume a lot?

Anonymous said...

"...He rejected it."
You forgot to add (20 years later) if you said anything like that around me, I'd be outta there. NOW, not 2 decades later.

It's no secret you like Obama, David. But...could you campaign for him a little less, please?

Rarely do you have a supportive word about McCain. Or, maybe you have, and I just missed it.

Anonymous said...

Newsflash to you...ALOT of Christain people ask others to pray for them and each other. It doesn't make her a religious wingnut.

She needs the prayers obviously the way the FAR LEFT media is going after her-- INCLUDING YOU!!

Anonymous said...

"Newsflash — Obama has never said anything like the crazy stuff his pastor said. He rejected it."

So, what you're saying is that Obama is stupid?

After all, what kind of an IDIOT sits in the same church, every Sunday, for 20 years, and then decides "gee, I don't like what this pastor has to say. Maybe I should have him baptise my kids and be my personal and spiritual advisor."?

Obama only distanced himself from Wright AFTER he started campaigning to be President, knowing that Americans would find it offensive.

If I went to a church, and didn't agree with the pastor's way of thinking, it wouldn't take me 20 years to figure it out.

Politics 101 said...

Good points about Obama's church. I too find it hard to believe he never heard some of that stuff.

Now, what about Palin?

Is she a pentocostal, holy ghost, end times believer, as this talk could lead one to consider? And if so, how does that shape her policy and her worldview when it comes to foreign policy?

Anonymous said...

If anything it means she'll support Israel so that we can continue to keep the Middle East as stable as possible.

It means she will show compassion when it comes to treatment of people all over the world.

It means she will be respectful of the opinions of others. She may disagree but won't have to alienate you in doing so.

She will be able to see things from your perspective without having to share your same experiences. She will be able to do that because she is an empathetic listener.

She believes in a God Who created the universe. So, she won't assume it is hers to destroy. She will treat the earth as one would a steward over a piece of land she had been giving to tend over.

She will pray for peace, safety and security and would dispatch force to maintain it or preserve it. She would not make these decisions lightly or on a whim because she values life and would do that which is within her power to preserve it.

She would not act on her own or assume that she knows everything. She is humble enough to know when to ask for advice, seek counsel, and accept correction.

She believes in fairness. She knows when she makes mistakes and will admit it when she does. She will ask forgiveness of others in order to maintain relationships and make sure she treats them the way she would want to be treated. She will weave this same sense of fairness and respect into how we interact with other cultures and countries.

She has an enormous sense of duty and loyalty and honor. She will hold the highest ideals and will not waiver in the face of difficulty. She will not compromise her values. She will uphold the highest standards of decency.

She will be a patriot. She will keep her country first and will do everything within her power to preserve and protect it.

She will look out for those who are less fortunate and for those who are struggling in life.

She will show patience when wronged and will show love toward those who would persecute her.

She will exhibit self-control. She won't fly off the handle or be rash or brash.

She will not try to be someone she is not. She will do her best at all times and maintain an excellent work ethic while still preserving and investing in her family life.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

It would help except Palin judgmental and distorted truth in the most adept political fashion. She did not lie but inferred beyond any semblance of truth.

And if you think she would put the private jet for the POTUS on ebay to show her frugal nature.....

I know there are people who leap from church to church because the pastor wont tailor his sermon to their fancy. There are also people who love a church and love their God and find him despie the noise when they go into His house. God is bigger than the preaxcher in the pulpit. FYI

First, the preacher is not accountable to media or political analysts. Secondly, he remains human and sometimes cannot distance himself from his own emotions or experience.

As a child, I recall some minister speaking derisively about Caucasian people. His acidic discourse was inspired by his own segregation era witnessing of a Caucasian male who pushed his mother to the ground and kicked her in the abdomen until she spewed blood.

I was maybe five years old when I heard him speak. I was eight years old when they finally succeeded in killing Dr. King (after several murderous attempts) I am, well, a lot older now. Still, I have not denounced that pastor. (He is deceased so maybe you won't start attacking his character too) I, instead, learned why he harbored such strong negative feelings.

Yet, a minister might utter unpopular - or indicting - messages from the pulpit. Who has spoken about any of the hundreds of things Pastor Wright has done in Jesus' name?

We need to be brighter than to try to do God's work and judge people based on sound bites sensationalized on television. Or as it is written in the book, (paraphrased) maybe your whole life will too be judged by your one inglorious moment.

Love it. You will meet with the same harshness one day that you are spewing out over the net. Just keep that in mind and then go on raking Pastor Wright and anyone else over the coals. God is not fooled by partisan rhetoric.

Whatever misery you sow will come to maturity one day. Ragon my brothers and sisters. Rag on.

Anonymous said...

Some how I think Pastor Wright has alot more to worry about at that time than me. I haven't said anything that negative other than to point out what he said. Sorry I'm not scared (rag, rag, rag)

And FYI, you can find GOD in a church that doesn't spew hate and ugly things from the pulpit. And FYI, those were more than sound bites -- he repeated it all again at the press conference so none of us would be confused about exactly what he meant!!

We've all have some ugly memories in our past -- some of us just deal better with them than others do.

Anonymous said...

Charles, you are right. It is amazing how shortsighted we become.(especially in an election year)

Church hoppers, you find them everywhere. Someone who will stay and seek God is a great blessing in this day and time.
I can almost guarantee that the Rev. Wright had more to say than the soundbites that have been continually played. I'm sure that in the next 2 months we shall hear negative things on both sides.
Now, is the time for every man and woman to pray and then vote their conscious.

Anonymous said...

"And FYI, you can find GOD in a church that doesn't spew hate and ugly things from the pulpit. And FYI, those were more than sound bites -- he repeated it all again at the press conference so none of us would be confused about exactly what he meant!!"

Now, personally, I don't really care for the message of hate. But I pretty sure, that was not the only sermon he preached in 20+ years. Trust me, the news media can find and soundbite of many people, then take it out of context. I know of quite a few Word of Faith teachers and preachers that soundbites have had negative side effects.

Now as for him explaining himself, had he wanted to, he could have given you any explanation he wanted and he chose to be honest with his feelings. (doesn't mean a thing)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you people (and I don't mean that in a "what do you mean YOU PEOPLE" sorta way) are apologizing for Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his hate. History does judge you by the extremes of the things you do and say. In his case, the extreme bad outweighs the extreme good.

I'm sure Adolf Hitler did good deads too, but that's not what we learn about in History class now is it?!

P.S. I lost a bit of respect for Charles apologizing for Rev. Wright after the things he has said.

Anonymous said...

"P.S. I lost a bit of respect for Charles apologizing for Rev. Wright after the things he has said."

So now it's about me!
I offer a different perspective and in the truest sense of 21st century political rhetoric it is contorted to an apology and Charles is to be vilified or has the cooties or something hideous like that.

Well, I have weathereed a portion of criticism in the past and found that unpopularity is not a death sentence. Like I always exhort young people, what people say about you is reputation. How you carry yourself regardless of what people say about you speaks to your character. You cannot control your reputation. You can control your character.

I apolgize for not living to your expectations. I still hold to my original words. We all look at the world and at others through our own filters.

Pat Boone:
Take a look at yourself then you will look at others differntly.....

I may read the posts of others but this is my final coment on this one.

My sign off for this thread:
One nation under God, indivisible; with liberty and justice for all.

(Or in the words of my friend Congressman Tiarht: Anonymous, "You're a great American.")