Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hospital unrest

Follow up to yesterday's story on hospital CEO being let go. We're told she wasn't "fired" per say. This might be technically true, since her contract is still in affect, but the raw reality is that she was terminated, fired, let go, dismissed, axed, canned, etc.

Let's hope this turmoil doesn't undermine the progress being made at SCKRMC. The new hospital is a great boon to the community and the fact that taxpayers go behind it give is great legitimacy.


Anonymous said...

Good riddence

Anonymous said...

Mr. Seaton, define "boon to the economy" please?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Seaton, I apologize. You phrase was "boon to the community."

That is much more innocuous, vague and, therefore, easily defendable.

Kind of like saying "twice as much less." What does it mean?

Anonymous said...

The "boon to the economy" should not be our communities healthcare system. It should be the industry (not the retail industry) that Dottie Smith has been fighting for. AC Industries wants to put in another strip mall so we can have even more vacant stores to make our city look like a ghost town! The healthcare of our community was in very capable hands of Mrs. Macy-Mills, so why Mr. Warren didn't you step in and stop the madness???

Anonymous said...

Just heard that the former hospital CEO's executive secretary quit over unresolved issues, is there a story there?