Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wagnon train

Revenue secretary Joan Wagnon is making the case for scraping many tax exemptions. And, it's a pretty good one. There's a fairness issue here that I think rings nicely in people's ear. Even Sen. Abrams, no pro-tax guy, said it seems exemptions are not handed out evenly, and that breaks for new businesses aren't fair to existing ones.

The argument for "broadening" the tax base makes lots of sense. The more exemptions we give, the fewer people or properties have to make up the rest. This whole talk about taxes actually sets up a nice entry for Brownback, if and when he becomes governor, to propose a major revamp of state tax code and attempt to scrape the income tax (and I suppose replace it with higher sales tax?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't like paying taxes anymore than anyone else!
I do ,however, appreciate the things that tax money provides!
But, to have a "Cash Flow" problem with tax money as created by exemptions and/or delayed taxes?
Thats a problem that has been manufactured through manipulation and can be corrected!
Its a far better alternative to raising taxes unfairly and even better works to reduce our dependency on debt!
But, Governemnt needs to be responsible as well by not growing beyond its base!