Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bluegrass voters

Interesting to see several Obama bumper stickers on cars in the parking lot at the Bluegrass festival in Winfield. Must be those tree-huggers from Lawrence. Didn't see any McCain stickers. Festival-goers lean liberal, I think, which creates an interesting dicotomy of progressive invaders into a rural, conservative region. It's the music that binds folks together....


Crystal said...

I have seen a McCain ball cap, but no bumper stickers

Anonymous said...

Because they don't know any better?

IndependentThinker said...

I liked the reception that John McCutchen got with his "new" song written "just for Winfield." In his song he said, "let's get back to the United States rather than Red and Blue States." (or something along those lines. Old people (probably Republican) and young people (liberal festival-goers) all cheered.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see several Obama bumper stickers on cars in the parking lot at the Bluegrass festival in Winfield.
That just proves without a doubt what drugs can do to your brain!!

It's funny Independentthinker -- I know alot more "old" democrats than old republicans -- have you been watching CNN again?

IndependentThinker said...

Wow!! Yet another inconsiderate insult from a republican. I'm shocked... Apparently I have to spell out when I make a funny for the republican crowd....

Anonymous said...

Is watching CNN an inconsiderate insult? You said it not me...

IndependentThinker said...

Yeah, in that context it is. I should have been more clear that the insult was against your alleged "people on drugs don't know any better" attack. Yet again, no substance to the attack, just an attack...

Anonymous said...

your awful sensitive about CNN aren't you...

And just to clarify -- my drugs comment was a joke too since everyone jokes about all the weed smoking that goes on at Bluegrass. Take a laxative or something -- or forget I said that too. Cranky...