Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Palin protection

It is getting a bit strange sequestered Palinhow is from the media


Curious said...

It's not strange at all, is it? McCain clearly had Palin selected for him and is now regretting his decision to allow others to make up his mind for him. I've said several times that he was a better man six months ago (when he was still thinking for himself).

Now, its likely he's re-asserting his authority over campaign decisions. She's not a good choice for his VP and he knows it. His message and campaign basic tenets differ significantly from Palin's. This is is simply his way of returning the campaign to his fundamentals.

Palin provided a temporary bump...but not a permanent counter to the Obama message of change. Regardless of her age and (hoped for, but not completely realized) appeal to the far Right conservatives...she represents more of the same from the GOP.

Seeing less of her was predictable and will continue to be. I'll be surprised if there's more than one VP debate (if he even allows that -although he'll be pressured to provide access to at least one). The poll numbers have balanced again after both conventions...and the meat of the election process is coming in the next five weeks.

Anonymous said...

Hey David,

How about this...maybe Barack should sequester Joe Biden. He for sure got an 'F' in history class.
"Geez, I thought McCain was off to a bad start this week.

Then along came the Gaffe Twins again.

Joe Biden’s trashing his campaign’s moronic e-mail attack ad: “Terrible.”

Barack Obama’s trashing Joe Biden’s initial refusal to back the AIG bailout: He “should have waited.”

Joe Biden’s changing the campaign’s position on clean coal: He’s against it. Obama’s for it." (Vid is here.)

And via reader Richard J:

Michelle & Co. -

Looks like Joe Biden, in his interview with Katie Couric, was copying off the wrong classmate’s exam again. He said (video here):

“When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘look, here’s what happened.’”

My recollection is that the stock market crash was in 1929. Two problems here: Television did not even exist in 1929, and FDR was elected in 1932, so he wasn’t even the leader at the time of the crash. When Joe was in history class, was he cheating by looking over the class dunce’s shoulder, or does he just make this stuff up? Of course, TV celebrity Katie Couric also didn’t note that Biden’s statement was doubly incorrect. Her goal was a softball puff piece.”

Look, anybody can make a mistake, forget a fact, blunder, etc., but,
I wonder what would happen to Gov. Palin if she made such a gaffe? She'd be drummed out of the candidacy in 2 seconds by the media.

Why they don't care for her....

But, Joe Biden. The gaffe that keeps on giving. Thanks Joe!! :)

Anonymous said...

Palin has given conservative someone to vote for, other than just having to chose the lesser of two evils. McCain made a good choice, and it will likely win him the election.

Anonymous said...

I'd protect her too from the liberal media where they find all fault in the republicans/conservatives. You know much like this paper likes to dog Palin. Too bad the Traveler wouldn't find fault with the democrats like they do the republicans. THEN maybe we'd could get more facts than opinions.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is difficult to read these blogs as I listen to folks adulterating the word "truth".
For the record, the Bible declared the truth would make you free, not politcally right! Truth speaks to the soul more than the constituency.

I tried to teach my Sunday school class that truth does not validate anyone other than He who is truth. If you truly seek the truth you would cease and desist on arguing that one side (candidate) is arguably right and the other wrong.

The truth is that the electoral process seems to swing on the person who is best at telling the people what they want to hear. Scripturally it was referred to as "itching ears".

These arguments on the blogs and elsewhere persist because folks argue their passion as a placebo for escaping from their own accountabilities. The arguments become distorted and denigrate to name calling and petty fights because we know the truth would call for much personal change and, in the US of A it is more convenient to blame someone for the consequences of our own choices.

Oops, this is becoming a sermon. better stop now

Anonymous said...


What you are touching on is what is really at the core of our society's ills. The solutions we need are not political. They are not economic in nature. They don't have to do with race relations. They aren't about education (from the school system). The broad majority of folks keep looking to this and that of the above issues and others like free healthcare for everyone as the panacea for all of our ills. People keep looking for one party or another to have some sort of cornered market on what is right or true. Many who hold what they believe to be the most reasonable or fair positions say the answer aren't on the left or the right but somewhere in between. They think balance or middleness has the answers. Any of these things above might touch on things are true, right, helpful, of value....but they will always come up lacking in any combination. What we need is real life change....real lives changes. That can happen a number of ways. But there is usually just one way that consistently yields reliable and lasting results. THAT is our greatest human need. Everything else is just momentary relief from life's difficulties.