Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Democrats in disarray

Parkinson was the Democratic heir to Sebelius. I again say Dennis McKinney might run. He's a farmer/rancher from Western Kansas who is a Democrat because he thinks government can help people, but has conservative credentials on guns and fiscal policy. Plus he wears cowboy boots and a cowboy hat around Topeka. :)
Still, seems like Brownback will be hard to beat with his name recognition and his "culture of life" mantra that he expands to all policy, not just abortion. But as somebody asked the other day, what has he actually DONE as a Senator.


Anonymous said...

Brownback did quite a bit to hurt Kansas' image nationally with his failed run for the Republican Presidential Nomination. His views on the whole everything is a life platform are very radical, and his views against Evolution are quite radical.

Anonymous said...

I'm a republican and I would vote against Brownback. I'm conservative on some issues but he gives republicans a bad name. He's too conservative.

I'm sure he's done KS some good but I can't think of anything right off the top of my head. I do some other GOOD republican would run against him. At least give us a choice.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Ron Thornburgh will run. He is more of a moderate republican.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the first three posts. Brownback would set Kansas back even further in eyes of the nation than Abrams did. There was a time to be "ultra-conservative," but that time has passed...