Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This quote seems to pinpoint what makes Obama different from other politicians (beyond the obvious)

"It's not just that Obama is black, it's really his ideas, his vision, his ability to not be threatened by different opinions and belief systems," Susan Bremer Parks, former Topeka student.

It's the last part of this, not being threatened, angered, defensive and tribal about other worldviews, and in fact taking them seriously and being open to them, that stands out. To consider the opposite mindset, think Hillary Clinton. We'll see how this approach plays out, of course -- Bush was going to make Washington more civil, remember.

It's from this AP story


Anonymous said...

Yes, for someone who is accused of not being a Christian, he sure does act just like Jesus tells us to act (as well as just like Muhammad, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, etc.) You shall know them by their fruits...

It is refreshing to know that we now have a leader that will not risk lives to make a buck and think twice about going against the sentiment of the world to further a profit sharing war unilaterally. This tactic will work!

Anonymous said...

I hope he does not change now that he is in office. W seemed to change. Its a real hard job.

Anonymous said...

Well, hopefully Obama will be able to coast through his term with no surprises, like a terrorist attack that killed 3 thousand in Bush's first term. That is what shaped W's presidency. Imagine if that had never happened what our country would be like today. I doubt Obama would handle a situation like that any better.

Anonymous said...

It kind of sounds like the disease I am suffering from since he took office.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you're going to be deseased, it beats the poison that you could be getting from the opposite...

Anonymous said...

You should link this on the right side of your blog so we may refer back to it as time goes by.