Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health care craziness

I don't understand all this nuttiness over health care and the criticism of Obama. It's become clear that you can't pass a plan with a public-run insurance plan in the Senate, where you need 60 votes. Obama recognizes this, and liberals go crazy , adding to the craziness of the hard right, which is just mad in general that a Democrat is in charge (not to the mention general discontent across the country about the recession, unemployment, etc.) Our former governor says the media is creating the story, which holds some truth because Obama has never said the public option is a make or break thing.


Anonymous said...

I just wish that a series of debates would be held in a forum where uninsured people who are coping with health problems from major illnesses could fill half the seats.

Let's hear the rage and rant in front of a few families with chidlren fighting cancers or other potentially terminal illnesses and whose parents are employed by small businesses that cannot provide health care insurance.

Abbreviated said...

The blue dog dems are gonna return to DC & socialized health care will be dead. The tea parties are NOTHING compared to the sleeping giant that has awakened & are attending these town hall meetings.

Can't wait for Nov. 2010 & see Dems go down.

Anonymous said...

In that debate with 50% uninsured people, I would also like to see signs worn around the neck of politicians with the dollar amount they have received from private insurance companies as well. That would explain the "outrage."

Wes said...

Here's a link that shows Obama stating that it MUST be included...

I think Obama and Sebelius are being like Republicans in the issue....LYING. They should just work on the Dems that are against it in the senate, that would be better than trying to appease terrorists like they have been doing with the matter.

Anonymous said...

I want to see a dollar figure as to the cost of the plan and a plan as to where it will actually come from.

Anonymous said...

I think people are for it in a sense but yet there has been no mention of how much the plan will cost. What will happen to people that already have insurance already (will companies start dropping their coverage?) Will we become like other countries with a socialized health plan and have to wait months and months for medical care? To see a dr at a VA hospital can sometimes take months....can you imagine the problem compounded by millions of people? I don't think the gov't should rush into this thing but take time to really think everything out and then and only then will all (will most) people, republicans and democrats alike come together on this thing.

Anonymous said...

Did people ask for the dollar amount of the illegal, false intentions war in Iraq? Only a problem with spending when a Dem does it I guess????? Let's see, spend money on saving Americans (which at this point will be mostly paid for) or spend money killing Americans (for absolutely no reason)?????

Anonymous said...

Do you realize the cost of war in Iraq and Afghanistan combined since 2001 is approximately $900 billion? We would spend double that amount almost in the first year alone.

I see this as a freedom v. security issue. If you want absolute security, which will never be obtained, you have to give up absolute freedom. The problem with this healthcare proposal stems around cost, accountability, and the break down of physician - patient decision making.

The terrorists came to our soil b/c they hate us and our way of life. They hate freedom. If we attempt through appeasement to permit them to do as they please, we will no longer have the need to have these pleasant little discussions about healthcare. Healthcare will then be the least of our worries.

Anonymous said...

Do we still think the people who attacked us hate freedom? I think it's more than that. They were wrong, but the "reasons", right or wrong, or much more than 'hating freedom'. A cursory preview of the Wests' adventures in that part of the world clearly show that.