Monday, August 31, 2009

Avery taxes

Donna Avery is paying off back property taxes. Some folks might question why this story was inside the paper instead of on front like the Kuhn-tax story. The question has several answers: Donna is making payment arrangements with the county; she is less high profile than a city commissioner who champions fiscal responsibility; and she was not dismissive of the fact that her taxes were not paid on time.


Anonymous said...

Right on David Allen! Preaching to the Choir- but thanks so much for setting the record straight! Mel likes the attention- and bragged that he doesn't want to pay his bills but expects us to, Donna on the other hand recently lost her husband and is working on a payment plan due to oversight. She is fiscally responsible. Apples and oranges my friends.

Anonymous said...

Can someone be trusted with the money of others & to be a college trustee who is unaware for 3 years that taxes were owed on their own property ?

Anonymous said...

Her husband most likely handled that end of the finances, he just died. Also, they have been working on a payment plan for a while, but since there is a balance due (even with payments being made) then she too is delinquent. In most cases either the husband/wife handles finances or they each have their own portions. I think questioning her integrity is a little out of line, it is not uncommon for a woman to have her spouse die and then be lost on many financial issues and vice versa. I think you are failing to realize she has been paying payments before the list was published.

Anonymous said...

Let's get straight to the point here....the Traveler LOVES to do all they can to paint Mel in a bad light and have a second set of standards for others. If Mel was to give hours and hours or tons of $$ to a charity I bet he wouldn't make the headlines like he does on other issues.

I think Mrs. Avery is a very good person. But lets not forget she too is an elected person give the job to oversee that our tax dollars are spent wisely.

So......what's the difference????

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Avery is one of Dave Seniors do nothing RHINO's THAT is the difference.

Anonymous said...

The circumstances are entirely different. Kuhn boasted about how he wasn't going to pay while Mrs. Avery has been through a very difficult ordeal.

Kuhn probably dropped more than enough money to pay his taxes at the red zone last year.

And he is the one who raises such a huge stink about fiscal responsibility.