Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Paid up

Mell paid his back taxes, which is good. It might be wise for Mell, politically, to issue a mea culpa. Something on the grounds of how every citizen should pay their taxes on time if they are capable and he, especially, should have known better as a city commissioner who watches over others taxes.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, THAT's gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

He should resign or be let go. Fiscal responsibility my butt.

Anonymous said...

He's a little too arrogant for all that. I've got to say that while I sometimes feel sorry for the guy- it seems he brings much of it upon himself and he has absolutely no CSR abilities. For everything positive he says and does, its like he intentionally offsets it with a dumbass move. I don't think I can recall anyone ever on the commission brought to task like Mel.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember anyone on the commission that worked so hard to be brought to task. A little common sense and you pay taxes and other bills, don't dress in black face, don't insult people presenting ideas from out of town, don't get a thrill from being a bully. He has done some good but he has only himself for negating those memories from the public mind. I would give him a break if he would just give himself one.

Anonymous said...

maybe he didn't get much attention when he was a kid.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that the current tax list has Donna Avery listed? Why hasn't she been plastered all over the front page like Kuhn. She is also an elected official, board of trustees at the college. They also use taxes for operations. Fair is fair David she should be on the front page as well.

Anonymous said...

ha ha- maybe she's the one being protected in the earlier blog about Mel. Yea Right!

Anonymous said...

I don't generally like to make excuses for people, but I do know Mrs. Avery has had a tough year with the death of her husband and the illness of one of her other close relatives. I am sure she will try to do better in the future.

It does not really bother me that Kuhn is late on this years taxes. It does bother me quite a bit he had not paid for several years.

Anonymous said...

Let's lay off Donna Avery folks, she just recently lost her husband and is not in the greatest health. In her case it is an oversight for sure, not intentional. She is very loyal and hardworking and I seriously doubt she is doing it to gain public attention.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that more people haven't spoken out to get something done about Kuhn. This is just the latest in a long string of things that he has done to emabarrass this town. He should resign his position immediately.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Mell will fade away like the rest of the one hit wonders, the sooner the better. You have to give him credit he has put our town in the spotlight. It has all been bad and embarrasing, but he has put us in the spotlight.