Wednesday, November 4, 2009

GOP rocks the vote

Republicans won big governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey. How the tide changes in just a year.

The most interesting race, though, was for Congress in upstate New York, which featured a "tea party" candidate who pushed out the moderate Republican, and then lost to the Democrat. What both Republicans, and to some degree Obama's Democratic Party, are failing to realize, is that politics is won and policy is made in the middle, where MOST people think and feel.

Compromise and practicality are GOOD things.


Anonymous said...

Finally something I can get down on. Middle ground is a pretty good deal or even independent. I think the Dems are way off their rocker and and the Republicans have been failing for the past 8 years therefore a lil more hesitant to vote with them. However can you be Republican and choose womens rights/ Pro Choice? Why not? I have pretty liberal ideas but cant buy into the whole socialism and raising taxes thing. What is a person to do? Overall though I am really conservative and still think George Bush was an idiot!! Lately its been about the lesser of the 2 idiots and not really who is actually the best for the job. The best people are out making money on their own running their own businesses.

Anonymous said...

Did someone else write this blog for you? This is the first time, that I can recall, where I ALMOST agree with you. The phrase 'and to some degree Obama's Democratic Party' shows that, for someone who claims to be up on politics, is really not informed. Take a little time and investigate what 'Obama's Democrats' REALLY say about the type of policy they push for. If you are not sure how to investigate for yourself, just turn the TV channel to C-span and watch the 'Obama boys' live.

ray said...

To answer the question about repubs and pro death. Party always trumps person, and here is why. before you vote, you have to sit down and figure out what your core values and beliefs are. Then you need to figure out whats best for the country and put them in order. For instance, you stated that you believe in abortion but you dont think that raising taxes is a good idea. Figure out which of those is more important for the country and vote that way. You cant be an egg forever, you either have to hatch or rot. Figure out whether or not you support liberals or conservatives by looking at your own life and decide that way. For myself, when I first started thinking seriously about politics, my brother and I sat down and came up with all of the important things that I believe in and wrote them down. Altough I agreed with liberals on some issues, I found that I had a whole lot more conservative values than the other. So, knowing what party best represented my beliefs, thats how I started to vote. Strait down the line. Because if you vote for someone just because you may like them, it may give the other party that one vote they need to turn this country in a direction tyhat you dont agree with. I hop this helped a little.