Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mell taxes

This one leaves me almost speechless ....


What kind of example does this set when an elected officials is dismissive of deadlines for paying taxes? Guess we can all just pay our water bills when we feel like it.


Anonymous said...

I laughed my butt off when I saw that. But, you better lock your house up tight for the next few weeks David. haha

Dustin Schuetz said...

Mell should be arrested for this serious offense. I mean come on usually we save the front page of a newspaper for breaking news or newsworthy issues. David Allen is a trouble maker that likes to stir the pot. I hope that you have no skeletons in your closet...those that live in glass houses usually don't throw stones, but in Junior's case he loves to really throw em.

Anonymous said...

Davey Jr loves to use Daddy's paper for his own little vendettas

From the story I gather that there is only one deliquent tax payer which happens to be Mell. You would think a fair and professional news article might also say that there were X number of others that have yet to pay their taxes.

Davey one day you are going to step on your own _______ and I will laugh.

Anonymous said...

Mell should know that you can't roll in the poo and not expect to smell!

Anonymous said...

This is news. Mell really let himself get it this time. Really stupid. Easily avoidable. I think the guy has a real problem. Must really need attention, poor guy.

charles said...

Dustin - even if it seems personal (or even if it is personal) don't take it personal.

Trust me. When this is over another will come on the scenes and our folks will be just as discontent with them.

For the record, I did not want to know about W's daughters or VP candidate Palin's family issue.

If people cannot sway you from an opinion, they try to sway you from a post.

Try to focus on the bigger picture.

Anonymous said...

Surely Kuhn makes enough money with his business that this measly little tax bill should not have to be late? As much as he charges you'd think he was rich.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should know that if you are in a public office, you do not have a personal life at all anymore. If he didn't want anyone to know his dirty laundry he should never have ran for ofice.

Dustin Schuetz said...

Mr. Jennings,
Your right but, it just seems that every time I turn around whether it be at the super market, work or just out and about someone always has something good to say about Mell. I just wish those people would come to his defense publicly and help support him instead of allowing people to "castrate" him. If everyone that supported Mell would come out and do it openly it would definitely help shut up the few "anonymous" critics that post so negatively on here.
Sir, I do appreciate your open comments and your opinion as I have always respected you since Corey and I were young.
Thank you.

Dustin Schuetz

Anonymous said...

David Allen & Mel- man- I am just lovin' this!! Can't wait to see who slings the next one!!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever wondered if those people coming up to to you are just being polite? You know if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.

Anonymous said...

It is not just the fact that our former mayor chooses not to pay his taxes on time but the fact that at another time he defends his right to scrutinize city expenditures for the people's best interest. It is also in the best interest of the city if those that owe taxes pay them on time so those that are due money from the city can also be paid on time. Is it okay at his business if people just don't pay? I would assume that he as a business expects reimbursement. The city is also a business and gets paid by tax dollars. He is depriving the very business he was elected to lead.

His comment about the penalty not being high enough to pay sounds like the same reasoning that caused the commission to slap a $100 fine on the delinquent water accounts. Is it fines that makes Mr. Kuhn pay or doing what is right for his community? I would have hoped that regardless of how noble Mr. Kuhn is to some, he would take the high road and pay his taxes. This is disappointing behavior but not all that surprising.

Anonymous said...

So What! My gosh people, We are swimming in national debt, out of control spending, a nation in turmoil. And the biggest, worst thing that we can focus on is this. This $700 + bill. We have TRILLIONS TO Worry ABOUT.

If the taxes weren't rolled into most morgages the list would be a lot bigger.

As for me I think he did it on purpose. I think that he had someone come to him and this person who was very embarassed to be on that list because people would talk and and say mean things, and judge her and I think he said don't worry I'll make sure no one remembers you are on that list. And in True Mell style he took the front page for his own. And it worked no one even noticed her.

Thanks Mell.

Anonymous said...

To 1:49- While that seems quite gallant, its pure BS. I think its obvious that Mel didn't expect to have his face plastered as the no taxpaying commissioner BUT as someone so elequently put it earlier be careful throwing stones when you live in glass houses. Unfortunately, Mel was not very nice about the water bill issue, to the point he said people should pay their bills on time or deal with the circumstances, well, in that he didn't consider those who can't afford to pay their bills because the city is gouging us to death and so now maybe David Allen has chosen to champion the cause of those poor souls, either that or Mel pissed him off good with his arrogant- it doesn't apply to me attitude.

To 6:09 and 7:36- You're just jealous you didn't notice. Grow a pair- the man makes a good point. If you are an elected official have the damn decency to pay your taxes or shut the hell up about other people.

Anonymous said...

I have never had a problem with Mell & he has always been very nice to me and my family. I really think all this ________ in the paper is a cruel way to take a stab at him in the public eye. I've never known Mell to ever claim to be perfect. If judging his life is the best news we can come up with then that is really, really sad.
Hang in there Mell.

Anonymous said...

One thing here that everyone is not considering- the Traveler doesn't go looking for people delinquent on their taxes- that is brought to them and is a paid published item- they do not solicit this stuff the county publishes it. Mel is smart enough to know that if he is a public official that he should keep his nose clean, yet he continually likes to play the rebel card, and that makes him popular with some. Whatever side of the fence you are on with this deal it is selling papers now. You can't be pissed off at the Traveler that once Mel's name was published that they took up the issue at notable news- it is. A city commissioner who touts fiscal responsibility that not only hasn't paid his taxes AND makes smart ass not so cute off hand comments about it- that he knows will be published? The arrogance alone keeps you reading. And Mel knows it keeps him in the news.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a person will elect to wait until the following year to pay property taxes as they do not need further deductions for a calendar year. I did not see anything about his business having not paid taxes. I would assume if it did not, that it would have made the front page as well.

Anonymous said...

After a quick search on the Cowley County website it doesn't look like he has paid 2007 or 2008 property taxes on his residence.

Anonymous said...

If you do a complete search Mel has a lot of delinquencies that are far far more than the Traveler reported, in just a couple links of past years there was several thousand dollars. Also, this years amount due is much higher than the treasurer even reported. Its one thing that he hasn't paid for hte current year, but how many years is he behind? What kind of fiscal responsibility can you give someone with this much swept under the rug? I appreciate what he was doing with public transparancy, but this is really surprising.

Anonymous said...

Dave, I think you should do some follow up on these new allegations. Did you under report his back taxes? Sounds like you need to dig further. Maybe the last two posters could provide links to the info?

Anonymous said...

OMG. I just read the article from today's paper saying he hadn't paid since 2006.

THAT is unacceptable. He should be removed.

Anonymous said...

He needs to be removed from his position ASAP! How can someone that does not even pay attention to his own responsibilities help manage a city. This is crazy! If this was the city manager or the chief of police they would be fired. Someone needs to step up and get something done. I hope he is embarassed.

Anonymous said...

Remove him! After the story broke, I went on and looked him up and saw that he hadn't paid in years. He needs to be removed RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous said...

what is the web site you all are looking these things up on?

Anonymous said...

All you have to do is go to click on treasurer's office, click on taxes and then look it up.