Sunday, December 13, 2009

Casino crashes

Our look at the traffic problems created by the border casinos. Tomorrow's story will make a little news. O-DOT has some plans to improve things, although my personal opinion is that it doesn't go far enough.


Anonymous said...

It's peoples responsibility to slow down and be careful. I would venture to guess most of the accidents involve people talking on their cell phones, lighting cigarettes and flat not paying attention. When I go to Ponca or any place south I slow down as I know stupid people are pulling out onto the road w/out the slightest clue there are other people on the road. Of course then there are those that pull right out in front of you and drive 20mph on their way to the next casino (even more dangerous in my opinion) You can build all the new turning lanes you want but until PEOPLE pay attention there will always be accidents in that area.

Anonymous said...

As someone who drives past there twice a weekday, I disagree that most folks are distracted talking on cell phones. Those accidents happen because people leave the casinos physically but not mentally. They enter into highway traffic a bit oblivious to the fact that approachnig vehicles are moving at 65 to 70 mph.

One of the comments yesterday mentioned the psychological ploys of casinos. The noise, the lights, the whole environment is designed to dull the mind so that the patron really does not notice daytime or midnight. Of course, there is alcohol served there also.

If you were thinking more about driving past a place that serves alcohol to people who will soon be motorists entering onto a US highway, that would be the better frame of mind.

I think cell phones have become the modern alibi for any driving error.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon poster #2. People are zombies when they leave the casino. Not only are their senses dulled from the environment, 90% have just lost their house payment, grocery money, or whatever. Their minds are nowhere near being a good driver. They are in depression and shock. As well, many are drunk. That's one heck of a combination for a driver.

Is there a fix? I don't know. Possibly close the Casino. That would solve all the problems quickly.