Thursday, December 3, 2009

TIF time

My what a difference an election makes. The new commissioners, Jay Warren and Jean Snell, have changed the make up the Ark City Commission enough that Ark City Industries is back in the good graces of the elected board. The group is on tax increment financing for development in Goff Industrial Park, and possibly to construct new housing. As I've written before, I can see both sides of the TIF argument. What I think is real, and probably unfortunate, is that cities and counties and states HAVE to give sweet deals to get commercial growth, unless your a high-growth area where businesses are aching to come.

AC Industries is also trying to change its image, deserved or not, of being a tight-knit club of businessmen run by Home National Bank leaders, interested primarily in their own welfare. Part of the image problem is that it is for-profit and private, unlike say, Cowley First or Winfield Economic Development. But being private and for profit gives it more freedom to operate and probably makes private investment much easier.


Anonymous said...

If ACI is run by Home National Bank why is it that the Chairman of Union State Bank is on their board? If you aren't going to get your facts straight maybe you should find someone that can write the truth.

If it takes a "sweet deal" as you call it to bring in business (sales or manufacturing) then go for it! We have to do something to draw people back in again. We might not get any NEW tax dollars in right away, but if we don't draw in new business (again, sales or manufacturing) we won't ever get any NEW tax dollars. We cannot keep prices from going up, but we can find a way to share the burden.

Anonymous said...

It's called GREED!! The law of mathmatics predicates that growth is inevitable, especially when there is a constant flow of MILLIONS of illegal aliens from the south! And this city has established itself as a 'sanctuary' city.

You speak of a 'building boom', but I challenge you to do a little journalism work and find out how many jobs have been created locally?? The huge amount generated by permit fees interestingly enough comes in a year which the city sustained massive hail damage, passed a SALES TAX that will fund school and street improvements (the latter of which we have failed to see), both of which will produce virtually NO NEW JOBS LOCALLY! Our tax money flows out of town, just as the money the 'southern' roofers earn flows south!

Anonymous said...

You should get out of the newspaper business and get into politics, as your double speak qualifies you to be very successful in the political realm. First you talk of a boom, then you encourage anything "to bring in business (sales or manufacturing. We have to do something to draw people back in again"

I agree, we cannot keep prices from going up when the idiot politicians spend so recklessly! They are aiding and abetting the monetization of our debt!!!

Ray said...

If the taxes were kept low for everyone, then this town would be booming. It's obvious that we all agree that tax cuts are what drives business and creates jobs. So why can't we just slash the taxes? Make the city live within it's means. The more business and jobs that come here, the more revenue it will create. Its just common sense. For more on common sense politics, go to the community blogs on the travelers page and click on common sense politics.

Anonymous said...

There has not been an increase in city property taxes in 8 years or so. How do we keep the remainder down? WE voted in the school bond and asked the school to raise property taxes so we could have better schools. The county and the college both raised taxes. But the city has not. Is there any way the city can protect us from these outside tax increases?

Ray at said...

more blogs! more blogs!

Anonymous said...

Dave, why didn't you mention that the Traveler owns several shares of ACI? Let the readers know about any conflict of interest, if there is/was one....

Anonymous said...

Isn't Jay Warren also a member of ACI?

Anonymous said...

Home National has a strangehold on this town. They are controlling the commission are by far the majority representation at ACI are trying to control Cowley First and are controlling what is going on with the hospital.