Monday, December 14, 2009

Road to improvments

Second part of traffic problems near casinos. O-DOT will reduce the "official" speed limit and plan to build a turn lane in 2011. I still think it would behoove the tribes, an O-DOT to do more. A full gamit of turn and acceleration lanes makes sense. As does an access road, especially if growth continues there.


Anonymous said...

gamut. It's called spell check...try using words you can spell.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA and he's a newspaper editor!

Anonymous said...

There you go with another liberal idea. Lets make sommeone else accountable for our actions. Forget aboout what would behoove the tribe or what you think they should do to make driving out there safer. I think the persons resposible for the mess are the people driving. I drive that road minimum twice a day. MINIMUM! I see what happens. Its the dingdongs that like haul a$$ out of those drives to see if they can beat traffic so they don't have to wait for a couple of cars to go bye. I see it so often that I have started aiming my car at them when they pull out like that. It's become quite a fun little game. I just hope that I am not in a really bad mood one of these days when they do it! HA ha aha ha Bwa ha hah ha hah ah ! As for you mister jacka$$ blog writer here's an idea. Lets hold the tribe resposible for peoples bad driving. OH WAIT THAT SOUNDS AS RETARDED AS MAKING HARD WORKING, RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS PAY FOR THE WELFARE AND HEALTHCARE OF THE LAZY, UMEMPLOYED AND OR ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! DILLUSIONAL DEMOCRAT!

Anonymous said...

Bernie Goldburg coined the term lamestream media & Palin is running with that term. Fits the Seaton Empire to a T.