Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hospital unrest

The question behind this story is, why doesn't the hospital board want to keep Phylis Macy Mills as its CEO as it transitions to the new facility, and/or does she even want the job. Her comments, (some of which are not online) reveal real dissatisfaction. Not a good thing when you're spending millions in taxpayer money to build a new facility.


Anonymous said...

If you ask me, the hospital board is made up of a bunch of bobble headed busy bodies if they cannot see the good work of the current CEO. The physicians need to remind the city of who makes money in the hospital and to keep her in place or do they have their own political agenda? If you ask me, how can the CEO of our community hospital be a "political favor". Speak up citizens!

Anonymous said...

Or maybe the board is finding out the other side of the story from employees being fired.

Anonymous said...

Don't you believe that former employees have an axe to grind? There are two sides to every story and I'm sure that if an employee was let go without cause, there would be litigation. Has the board listened to the hospital side, probably not!
Of course, human resource laws protect those employees who are let go and the reasons behind their dismissal being made public.
So an ex-employee of course is going to trash their former employer especially the person that let them go.

Anonymous said...

I think that labeling former employees as having 'an axe to grind' states a preconcieved attitude that there are NOT TWO SIDES to every story, but only one side and that one being the employer !! The assumption that a now unemployed worker would be able to afford an attorney is ludicrus, just as the phrase 'without cause'. The cause can be a worker exercising their freedom of speech by stating opinion, or be discharged for the color of their soxs. The only protected workers in this country are the 'criminals' that hold elected positions.

I would wager you that if the former employee WANTED to release the reason for their termination, the employer would cite human resource laws in order to protect the public from finding out about the internal shenanigans. Workers have no rights anymore unless they are a minority of some sort, whether it be of race, religious belief, sexual preference...

Anonymous said...

What were the reasons that she was hired in the first place.

If the board thought for one second that the terminiation of any employee was wrong they would have stepped up. But they were in a battle themselves for the right to sit on the board itself.

Like everything else in this town we are learning it is not IF you are doing your job that counts. It is not IF you are exceeding all expectations, it is IF you are my friend and if you are my friend then nothing else matters.

The hospital is operating at profit. The hospital is cleaner than it has been in years and the staff has it seems (during my recent stay) begun stepping to a drum that is much more patient aware, and comfort concerned.

Way to go to the present CEO

Anonymous said...

Who is really running the hospital? The City has all the power and the hospital board has none. Don't get too upset with the hospital board if you don't know the facts and the way the city commission has the whole thing set up.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that it is NOT the hospital board that wants to change the CEO are you saying that it is in fact the Arkansas City Commission the 5 elected members of the governing body that are doing the pushing to replace the CEO.
Are you saying that hospital board is somehow being forced by the city commission to get rid of a leader with a proven track record. Is that what you are saying.
I am interested in your answer. Because I thought that this was coming from the board of hospital. This could prove very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Employees who have been fired deserved it. Every last one of them. That's why the hospital seems more "patient friendly." PMM runs a tight ship - that doesn;t go along with the plan of the city, and the screws have been tightened. She is a headstrong woman and doesn't have to put up w/ the bs. The board is banking on that fact.

Anonymous said...

McGrew and Niles, huh? Let's figure how much medical expertise between the two of them.

That was easy. Now how many ties to local attorneys, banks and local politics do they have? Wow...this one could take a while.

Thanks for straightening out the hospital, Phyllis - it would suck to see you go.

Anonymous said...

Didn't she accept the position on an interim basis? Until the new hospital was built? Any chance we can get her side of it? No anonymous gossipers please. Let's get it straight from the CEO

Anonymous said...

PMM is the best CEO the hospital has had. Kudos to her for what she has achieved; quality employees, a hospital that runs well and in the black!
What more could the board want. The hospital board is in charge here, not the city commissioners. Take a look at the board and see how many are HNB members or supporters.

Anonymous said...

It was a well crafted plan. City wants more money. Hosptal could pay more money to city, but it is "doctor-owned." So, change makeup of board, get docs off board and then make waves which will get PMM out. Next step? You will see the next step as a new CEO being named who will be a male who is between the ages of Niles and Mcgrew. This had to be done before the comission elections, or it never would have worked. Pretty slimy.

Anonymous said...

It was Regnier who stated that we need a good young man to run the hospital. Initially he wanted to run it. Then, they though about having Snell run it. Either way I find it completely baffling that the board wants to get rid of her other than HNB is pulling the strings and they want someone they can control. That or the micromanaging board finds her to be too strong for them mostly because of what another poster said in that they have zero hospital experience and very little executive experience and she has all of that and it making things happen. I will tell you this without a doubt. They have no grounds what ever for a legitimate removal. They are inviting a wrongful termination lawsuit at the minimum and should expect and deserve both gender and age discrimination suits also. I only hope each of the board members is personally libel.

Anonymous said...

I thought the lady wanted to leave? Didn't she only accept the position until the new hospital got under way? I wonder why we never see the people here we are talking about? Is this dedicated only to rumor mongers?