Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Building bruhaha

Seems like McDonald, Kuhn and Smith are being the most reasonable here about this building along Madison being torn down. Doesn't seem like a big deal that commissioners were not informed in advance that a private property owner was demolishing an already half-rubble building.

If what Steve Archer said is true, this happens regularly and commissioners have not asked to be informed before hand.

Seems like a final dig as Archer gets pushed out the door. Sort of a "I told you he's not a good city manager" message.

Commissioners I'm sure are hearing from defenders of Steve and likely feeling some pressure for all the turmoil inside City Hall that they have initiated, for good or bad, depending on your take.


Anonymous said...

When was the last time anyone was inside City Hall and heard an employee say, "We are (I am) here to serve you."?

When was the last time someone offered to help a citizen with a need without the employee putting off an indignant attitude towards that citizen?

Ok, try this one. When was the last time someone went in to ask for some public record without being treated like a Russian spy or a Muslim terrorist?

One thing that can be hoped for from this shake up is to end up with someone minding the store who rekindles the professionalism around service.

How much more insulting can it be to have to be belittled or brushed off by someone who KNOWS your tax dollars are what pays their salary. Exception is to go to our "Protect and Serve" guys and talk to a wall.

Arkansas City is the microcosm of government run amok and disconnected from its purpose. The disparage citizens, branding them as irresponsible gamblers, drunks and nuisances. Every service they exist to provide has been recast as some nuisance that should come iwth a fee because it takes them away from doing their job.

What again is the job or government? Isn't made up of the people it governs. Doesn't it provide service for the people within its jurusdiction? Aren't its citizens supposed to be the first concern rather than the needs of the employees.

We have allowed City Hall, in this small community, to place its self-serving needs ahead of the people who formed the jurisdiction. Weagreed to share the cost (pay a tax) inexchange for affordable city SERVICE!!!

New Motto: At City Hall we're here to serve you.

Sound good??

Anonymous said...

That's strange...the last time I was in City Hall, everyone was extremely helpful, pleasant and professional. In fact, I think the lady at the front counter asked "How can I help you today?" and said "Thank you, have a nice day!" on my way out the door.

Anonymous said...

FYI, at times there two at the front desk. If you got help and a thank you, you were lucky, cause one has an attitude and it's not good..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That's strange...the last time I was in City Hall, everyone was extremely helpful

That is clearly because you are identified as being an exception. They must know that you are part of the 10% of population who does not throw away all their substance at the casinos.

You were paying your bill as a responisble citizen weren't you? Go ahead and admit it. That way we know you aren't another of the employees under the Director of Admin who posts on these blogs anonymously.

It's always tale tell because those anonymous posts include information that only an employee could access.

But back to reality:
$100 to turn off/on water (because it takes employees whose job is turning on and off water away from their job of turning on and off water.

$300-$500 to respond to an accident and take a report (for employees whose job is responding to accidents to take reports)

What else? Charging a fee to get service from folks who were hired to uhmmm errr welll uhhh... GIVE SERVICE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

December 30, 2010 10:47 AM

Your right for the most part. They are not about serving the public. The tone of the adminstration has filtered down to a feeling that the public should be grateful that they are there.

December 30, 2010 3:01 PM

I too have experienced that happy smile that asked how can i help you, but I have also been there when others were not treated the same as me.

This is a do over..... I think we need to continue to try on to get a really good fit with a new city manager. I wonder how people felt when Curt Snow? I think his name was was fired and Curt Freeland came in.

Relax people the sun will come out tomorrow and things will be good again.....

Anonymous said...

I have been telling people that this city organization is corrupt ever since I left as an employee in 08. What the city 'leaders' would really like to see is for ALL of the employees to live OUTSIDE of town-simple math will tell you that if they have no vested interest in this town,ie; paying propery taxes on a home, paying for water and sewer, etc. then they, as an employee, would care less about how the 'leaders' choose to mishandle our tax dollars. I have said FOR YEARS, that all employees who work for the water or sewer dept. should live INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS, and be customers of the services they provide.

It now seems as if there are a lot of people who are getting fed up with the city employees attitudes, as described by most of your posters.If I lived in the county instead of in town, what would I care about an increase in water, sewer, trash, or propery taxes??!

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2011 12:55 PM

Minus the opinions about the graft and corruption, the philosophy of residency was linked to the concept that a person employed by the city, at a management level, should share in the cost of the local government unit through mill assessments.

Likely, it will influence certain decisions if the costs directly impacts the person proposing it equal to those on whom it is imposed.

On a higher level, Department "Heads" are to be leaders through good example to their reporting employees and good examples of citizenship in the community. It doesn't sell well for the city to have annexed (or attempted to) outlying areas into its boundaries while having the highest paid employees of the City escape the same costs.

It really kind of says, from the management level of the city, "City living sucks."

Or maybe the old phrase applies "I wouldn't mind visiting (in this case on a daily basis) but I would never want to live there.

That's a nice thought to have from policiy makers. Hey, maybe we should also open it up to non-residents to run for the elected offices. Now, we may be on to something!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Warren,
I saw a building being torn down on west Madison.....did you know about that one?????

WOW!!! Talk about micro managing....