Thursday, December 2, 2010

Drop off

I'm kind of surprised there's not more outcry to put up a railing or something where the car went into the River.

We don't like over regulation in Kansas and rely on common sense, but when a road just ends and an open path continues to the edge of a river, it seems to present a dangerous situation.


Anonymous said...

I don't think a railing is the issue - if it is a road manintained by the county or a township it should probably have a road ends or dead end sign!
I think that might even be a law!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you start the petition....

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how uninformed people are. The area is U.S. Government property. There has been plenty of media reports on who it belongs to. Keep it up and there will be No Trespassing signs down there and adults and teenagers won't have any place to go drink.

Anonymous said...

It should have a railing. I am surprised it took this long for an accident to happen. Although in my opinion, you have to be really distracted not to notice that the road is gone.