Monday, December 20, 2010


Don't ask don't tell will be tossed into the trash bin of history, where it will rot in memory like Jim Crow laws.

The arch of history bends toward justice. The vote in the Senate to repeal Don't Ask was 65-31, which is a pretty strong majority.

Like other civil rights advances, eventually the fears of change will be proven to be false, and the voices against repeal will fade into memory and this will become accepted policy by both political parties.


Anonymous said...

Maybe that's the point. It's not illegal.

Anonymous said...

better check your laws. Sodomy is illegal in many states. Including Kansas.

Anonymous said...

and so is adultery.

Anonymous said...

I think what you will see as the result of the repeal of don't ask don't tell. Is that it will be delt with Socially. Those in the Military will handle the problem because those in Politics are only worried about their agendas!
I wouldn't be surprised if the Gays in the military find themselves at a disadvantage if they come out of the closet and feel "empowered". (There just might be some ass-kicking.)
Its simply a shame that we have a leadership TODAY that sees their job as a means to change Society/Morality - one that has existed for Centuries!
Maybe they will decide to abolish Society/Morality all together - just do your own thing!
I think that has been tried before and it didn't WORK!

Ask yourself why are the minorities (often minorities by their own choices) getting all that attention?


Don't try to tell me Gay is NORMAL!

Btw: The battle is'nt over just because you think one decision is so Great! Next comes same sex marriage, the right to have a family, the right to hold any position in Government/Business.
Just like the Dream act was only a "Gateway" to more Illegal Immigration!

Their agendas never STOP!

Anonymous said...

The military has many many rules regular Americans don't have to abide by. They can say if you can have facial hair & how much & when.

The military is for killing people & breaking things. It should NOT be used as a social experiment.

I am hearing that 30% won't reup or enlist to begin with.

Gas should stick with the arts !

Anonymous said...

I'm curious what it means to "openly serve" in the military.

Do they get to shower with the straight guys? Or I should put it another way. Do the straight guys have to shower with them? What would be the difference between gay guys showering with straight guys and straight guys showering with the women? None. Why not just have community showers?

Why can't they just keep their love life at home like the straight guys do? What difference can it possibly make other than causing problems?

And I think this will hurt recruitment, not help it.

Anonymous said...

To say that Gay is "normal" is to deny how you got here in the first place!

Anonymous said...

To say that Gay is "normal" is to deny how you got here in the first place!

I think that the "normal" human experience - is to be attracted to the same sex at a very early age in life! Girls run with girls and Boys run with Boys!

But, as they mature those attractions and relationships change! Some of it is no doubt due to chemsitry and the other part is to fulfill a destiny! (Family and Children.)

So maybe there is some truth to the fact that we develope strong attractions at an early age!
(That doesn't mean we are born as Gay or Straight).
Some out grow them and others don't! But those who don't are a very small percentage of the population!

Don't let them fool you!