Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bill heart Obama

Conservative bloviator Bill O'Reilly, like most Americans (according to scientific opinion polls) would like to see a public insurance option.


Anonymous said...

I've seen a lot of polls, watch O'Riley all the time-must have missed that show. Mostly it seems that the term is 'health reform' instead of 'public option' that have the favorable results. If insurance companies have to compete with a gov. based public option, they will surely subsidize their losses in the health arena with large increases in other lines of insurance such as auto, homeowner.

Wes said...

What??? NO WAY!!!! There will definitely be a shift in the "who's the most conservative" race after Rush, Glen, and Sean get word of long before he changes his story and explains how he meant that the public option is socialism and extremely bad for America?

Anonymous said...

Bill occassionally gets something right. He is better than Rush, Glen, and Sean. We need more people to think for themselves instead of fall in line.