Friday, October 23, 2009

Faux news

I didn't think any reasonable person thought Fox News was a traditional media outlet. Or "fair and balanced," as they ridiculously claim. MSNBC does what they do from the left now, although MSNBC news anchors, not the pundits, are much more down the middle than Fox anchors.


S1W said...

Let's turn this around. What would you have said if Dana Parino, or Tony Snow, or one of Pres. Bush's "cronies", had said the same things about MSNBC as Pres. Obama's "advisors" are saying about "Faux News".

Anonymous said...

I agree! No reasonable person would believe what they see with their own eyes on video taped coverage of the administration's interviews and speeches. Nor would they think that the Constitution was sufficient these past two hundred plus years. Reasonable people want government to change such a flawed document and to limit the dreams of our children so that they will be 'happy' in their life long struggle to pay taxes, to restrict their beliefs in individuality, and to NEVER question what authority tells them! No reasonable person would expect the president to IMMEDIATELY respond to his appointed general's request for additional troops so that young heroes like Sgt. Juden will have the help that the military leader says they need!!

Only reasonable people see the need for the pres. to put the Olympics in Chicago before the troops in Afghanistan, or understand that the government is the most efficient entity on earth, and believe that the USA is not unique in any way except in our interference with other nations. Only reasonable people know that America will never collapse under the burden of fiscal irresponsibility and that we are ALL entitled to a certain standard of living simply 'because'

onestone said...

You are such a liberal nut, that you can't see the forest for the trees. The other media companies stood up to your president yesterday and backed hios sorry ass down.

Anonymous said...

if fox news is so bad, then why are they beating the pants off of everyone else? they have more viewers each week then cnn, abc, and msnbc combined. Don't be a pinhead!

Anonymous said...

This link shows you that fox news is the best. Seems like more people enjoy fox then all of the other stations.

Anonymous said...

How does it feel to be last in Cowley County ? Newscow AND James Jordan BOTH scooped you on the drug charge of the 50 year old lady in AC.

Fox isn't the joke here in Cowley County.

Rich said...

I always considered myself to be pretty much middle of the road. There are some some things the GOP stands for and some the Dems stand for that I agree with. I don't watch Fox because of the drivel the link posted shows. Those people are so far to the right they would vote for Satan if he had an R after his name. No matter what the President does it'll be criticized by that faction. Their only stated goal is to defeat the President at all costs. What a noble cause.

SG said...

"Their only stated goal is to defeat the President at all costs. What a noble cause."

I guess you never watched the Clinton News Network (CNN), or MSNBC when Bush was in office huh? FOX is not my preffered news outlet, but I don't see any difference between Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olberman, or Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck. It just so happens Obama can't stand the heat like Bush could. He should be man enough to rise above it, and not care what the nasty old news channel said about him. You didn't see Bush whining and crying about it. For all Bush's shortcomings, he was way smarter than Obama in that regard. And more of a man.

What a big baby. How about this Obama: Do the job you were elected to do (you know, giving free stuff to poor people) and quit worrying about what the news organizations are saying about you.

Now hurry and send my post in to the White house so Obama can track it.

S1W said...

You might say Fox News today is like Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, Samual Adams, etc of their day. Except, in their day, it was illegal, and an act of sedition against the Crown for saying such things. Many Libs today consider what Fox News is saying as Hate speech. In the 1700's, Tories considered the writings of Paine, Franklin "hate speech" as well, Tories being those being loyal to the Crown. Am I inciting revolution? No. I am saying there will always (always) be to sides of a position. It is up to the People (We the People, to form a more perfect Union) to decide what is best for our Union. When one side decides to remove a voice of opposition, the freedom of choice in no longer available. Just look what happened to Iran's elections this summer.