Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fluoride in drinking water

I wasn't here 10 years ago for the fluoride in drinking water debate in Winfield, but apparently the winning side is staying on their toes.

Does this mean we are being poisoned in Ark City, where we put fluoride in as an additive?

Come to think of it, I don't think I've had a cavity since I moved to Ark City from California 5 1/2 years ago. (I did have to redo a root canal) I had a bunch of cavities as a kid in Winfield. Wonder if we could county cavities of people in Winfield and Ark City and compare to see who's right?


Anonymous said...

What is dumped into Ark Citie's water supply every night at midnight is NOT fluoride, but a toxic waste thanks to ALCOA. Follow the money.

Mass medication via water supplies should be illegal.

Anonymous said...

This administrations new science czar has, in the past, suggested that one form of birth control for regulating population growth could be through chemical additives to the water supply