Thursday, October 22, 2009

Judgement House

Looks like some Oxford churches are putting on a "Judgement House" for Halloween. (Story below ran in Action and in Traveler previously) These things popped up a few years ago by religious fundamentalist who think Halloween is a Satanic holiday and somehow a threat to their beliefs. Ridiculous, in my view, and what puts off so many people about fundamentalism — believe as I do or you're going to hell! These types of attractions also push Christian political beliefs without really advertising them as such. Ark City had one a few years ago. Sometimes they're called Hell Houses. What happened to the old fashioned "Haunted Houses" that offered a kids a good, wholesome scare?

The combined efforts of the Oxford churches will present Judgement House from 6-10 p.m. Oct. 30 - 31, and from 4-8 p.m. Nov. 1, at the First Baptist Church, 113 E. Myrtle St.  
Judgement House is a dramatic walk-through presentation about the truth of people’s choices and their consequences both in this life and the next. 
The program is an evangelistic tool for reaching those who are reluctant to attend traditional church services and outreach events.  Since 1983, Judgement House – spelled with an “e” by the national group – has been attended by over three million people with 390,000 choosing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Judgement House, based in Clearwater, Fla., can become an “agent of change” for the guests, the community and the group presenters. 
Judgement House is a Christian alternative to a Halloween spook house. It is not meant to scare people, but to make real the consequences of life decisions.
The drama takes place in a series of eight rooms that tell a story about people whose lives have been cut short through some kind of tragedy.  Each room tells part of the dramatic effect of those deaths on their families and of their experiences beyond the grave.
Each small group of 10 or more enters the program every 15 minutes and the tour lasts about one hour. 
The presentation is not recommended for children under 10.
A suggested donation of $4 per person will be taken at the door. 
For information and reservations, call (620-) 218-9579 or e-mail 


Anonymous said...

I agree that these things are ridiculous.

Let's not scare kids into doing right because they are afraid to go to hell. Let's just teach them to do right because it is the right thing to do. Not for fear of some mythical monsters.

Anonymous said...

"a good, wholesome scare?" from a haunted house? That line made me laugh.

Seriously? You are going to bash on a Churches dramatic play...and in the same breath associate a haunted house that scares kids, for the fun of it, as wholesome. Wow.

S1W said...

7:23-you are wasting your breath on David. He believes church and religion as a weakness. Judgement House is suppose to make you think about eternity, not to scare the crap out of you. Since David believes he has no soul to save, that there is no eternity, he has no reason to say anything good about something that makes you think about such things. But, this is his blog; he can say pretty much anything he wants to.

Anonymous said...

One man's junk is another man's treasure.

Anonymous said...

One man's god is another man's laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

David will know what weakness is when Christ comes back "in flaming fire, taking vengence on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of Jesus Christ!"

Anonymous said...

Okay Jules, settle down. Marvin's waiting in the car.

Anonymous said...

Well, besides the first paragraph..the rest was really a great detailed advertisement to the event! so thank you!! :)

Davis Jesus loves you too!