Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pandering the public option

Some conservative lawmakers are already pushing for a constitutional amendment in Kansas to prevent a public health insurance option, if the federal government passes one that allows states to opt out.

Nice to see the Kansas GOP base protecting us against horrible things like government run health insurance. Guess we should do away with Medicare the Veterans Administration health program, both government run, while we make ensure the health care monopolies in Kansas keep jacking up premiums and out of pocket costs while families and businesses are devastated.

Good plan.

Perhaps Democrats and moderate Republicans should propose a constitutional amendment guaranteeing affordable health insurance for every American?


Anonymous said...

what's the problem?? The liberal movement is to spread the wealth around, so why is it that you object so much when you have to spread your wealth around through insurance premiums which provide jobs for doctors, nurses, aides, maintainence men, insurance agents, claims handlers, medical supply companyies, pharmac. co's, drug stores, etc. I'm already taxed to much to have to also pay for your health insurance!! Truth be told, it's rich liberals that want the commoner to subsidize their portfolios by paying higher taxes to support the health ins. reform.

Anonymous said...

Your a moron and nice play on words there dingo. No one denies a need for reform, or a need to cut premiums but bottom line is people need to take some responsibility for their person. I should not have to pay for your (anyone's) health care or welfare. It's called get a job! If you can't do that then you should have got an education. Maybe you shouldn't have had those six children that you can't afford, cause honestly I think we should scrap welfare too. Further more if I am paying towards your welfare/health care maybe you should be at my house doing my yard work and cleaning my gutters and scooping dog poop from my yard. EARN YOUR KEEP LIKE THE REST OF US!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should pass an amendment outlawing liberal whiners.

ray said...

Good greif! That guy is kind of militant aint he?! I'm a staunch conservative, but thats embarrasing. Scrap welfare? Good God. This country needs a safety net for those who honestly cannot provide for themselves. But getting back to the healthcare bit. I would have to agree that our system of insurance needs some kind of help. It is way to expensive. What i dont agree with is taxing people to acheive that goal. If you truly want to lower the cost of healthcare, then do away with the stupid lawsuits that are not needed, and open up competition between the insurance companies. Let the ins. companies compete against eachother. And please dont tell me that government controled care is competition. Govt. has an endless amount of ways to pass the cost on to the tax payer. IT doesnt have to come up with creative ways to cut cost and actually compete with other companies.