Thursday, October 1, 2009

More sanity from the right

I can't see why anybody would take Glen Beck seriously. And it looks like some folks on the conservative hierarchy are calling him out. Beck's outing of Vance Jones' past statements gave him some mainstream credibility, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while...

I remember watching him on CNN Headline News when he first came onto TV. He seemed ignorant and demogoguic, but was self-depricating and kind of kid-like, almost like it was all a joke anyway. Entertaining, in a roadkill kind of way. It's the same kind of appeal of a good ghost story, or story about an alien sighting. You wake up the next day and think, "I almost bought that ...."


Anonymous said...

You just described Rachel Maddow and Keith Oberman as well. It's the same on both ends of the spectrum.

Anonymous said...

I just spent about 45 minutes reading 'calling him out'. It was most interesting to me that about all of the 175plus blogs contained much of nothing but name calling, insults, and partisan nonsense!!

I have spent hundreds of hours online researching for myself the claims that have been made on Glenn Beck, and have found his content to be firmly rooted in the truth, evidenced by video tapes, written transcripts, historical facts, constitutional accuracy, and personal interviews!!
These poor misled and misinformed people on 'the left' will one day wake up and realize that our once great nation, founded on the principles of freedom and the teachings of Jesus Christ, has fallen to the unrestrained acts of moral law without the integrity of self-restraint.
I would bet my life that none, if any, have actually researched the ties between orgs. such as; the Tides Foundation, SEIU, ACORN, the National Endowment for the Arts, William Ayers, read Obamas book,(as I have) and taken him for his own words, nor researched the many claims of corruption in government that the Glen Beck show has revealed!! Rest assured that the future of America is one that none of our Founding Fathers would have wished for our nation

Anonymous said...

George Washington in his farewell address, 1796:

"It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. Of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, our religion and morality are the indispensable supporters. Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that our national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle"

Anonymous said...

Any one would be embarrased by Glen Beck. He is a complete goof. Even Limbaugh is better.

MMM said...

Hey DA... totally unrelated, but I want to follow your blog, but there is not a way to do that. How can I?

CJ said...

I wish conservatives would stop cramming religion in to practically every single political discussion. I've read the bible and I'm pretty damn sure Jesus wouldn't be the slightest bit impressed with either political party in this country. Furthermore I doubt he would be a fan of Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Maher, Keith Olberman, or any of the talking heads on TV.

Anonymous said...

If Beck is ignorant then the Seaton's are brain dead.

Beck has a book published. Do you ?

Beck has a TV show. Do you ?

Jealous much ?

Anonymous said...

to cj; if you have read the Bible then you know that there is no respect of persons with God. This includes you and me. You also will know that he would be equally unimpressed with you liberals.

Anonymous said...

The blind squirrel is finding more nuts or it is the tip of an iceburg. Hannity is pushing to out the safe school czar who is promoting rape of under age boys with older men. It is ok as long as he uses a condom.

Obama doesn't speak with General McCrystal about Afganistan ?

I see a pattern here.