Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Medicare protectors?

You have to laugh at conservatives using liberal rhetoric to bash Democratic health care reform as being dangerous to Medicare and seniors. This Eagle editorial rightly points out that Democrats did the same thing when Republicans wanted to cut the program. But the idea that the GOP is concerned about keeping the government entitlement program whole is worth a good chuckle.


Ray at Commonsensepoiltics.blogspot.com said...

I think that conservatives are more or less pointing out th hipocracy of the liberals when they say things about medicare. Medicare is an entitlement program that has been closely protected by the liberals for years, and now they want to cut it by millions. I would think that since the elderly don't get the care they deserve already that the gov. would'nt think about cutting medicare. I beleive that opting out of all this global warming crap would be more cost effective. But thats just me.

Anonymous said...

Where in your blogs are you pointing out that Obama's approval rating has fallen BELOW 50% ? I saw that the other day in the Eagle. Curious as to why you haven't reported it.

Anonymous said...

All the new taxes on Global warming hooey will bring in too much money to pass up. They are even talking about taxing CO2 emmissions. Guess what folks, your body breathes in oxygen and breathes out CO2. If they manage to pass a CO2 tax, how long before they tax us for breathing?

Besides, now that we are finally being shown the man behind the green curtain, we know that man made global warming is BS.