Thursday, April 1, 2010

Health care hyperventalition

It's amazing to me the mental and emotional twists some opponents of health care reform get themselves into: Here's an anonymous reader comment:

Well since your so happy! How do you feel about supporting ABORTION with your tax dollars and healtcare payments! (Nevermind Obama's E.O. it as worthless as his campaign promises!)
Thats OK you'll get yours in the end! When they decide your not worth spending any more money on to keep you going - in your old age! (maybe even before).
Its going to be so nice when we get to the point that "life" is all about money - who has it and who doesn't - and the Government makes those decisions - even worse then it is today!
Then about all that debt we Owe?
With that very real potential for Hyper-Inflation?
Simply doesn't matter - we'll just file bankruptcy and walk away!
The problem with Liberals like you - It always feels GOOD until it HURTS! Then its usually too late!

Somewhere the narrative that the federal government is trying to control, nay, end peoples lives crept into this debate and stuck on the hardcore right. And since I support the reform, I will be punished by early death. Ouch.

What planet ...

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