Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spending hypocracy

is worth reading. If conservatives screaming about over spending right now, such as Todd Tiahrt, had done so when the GOP controlled Washington, when they supported medicare drug entitlement expansion and wars budgets that were not paid for, their message would have more credibility. And now we see that, at least in the case of office spending, he doesn't walk the talk, and as a pretty lame excuse for it.

Here's a really interesting article that interviewed Tiarht. He admits to being a tea-partier and really lays into Moran. It's over a month old but very revealing. Tiahrt sounds desperate and for some reason, apparently, thinks Kansas is ground zero for the radical right, when if fact Kansas is more of a practical, conservative-leaning place where some hard cores break through on occasion - Phil Kline, for instance.

Let's home Tiahrt does become one of them.

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