Monday, April 12, 2010


Finally met Mike Pompeo, a candidate for Tiahrt's 4th District seat, last Friday. He's a very nice fellow and articulates his ideas well. Here's the article about him. He also has the experience to back up his positions, as successful businessman, west point grad, and harvard law school grad. He does not have any elected experience, but that is probably a big benefit this election year.

He is, I would say, arch conservative when it comes to governing philosophy. Almost libertarian from the sound of it. Fed. govt. should focus strong defense and get out of the way on economics, and pretty much everything else.

That sounds good until you remember that getting out of the way led to the biggest recession in 80 years, on the economic front. He's for even more tax breaks and lower rates on businesses, including large businesses, to spur growth. And it was pretty gusty of him to say he thinks retirement age should be raised to help Social Security and portion of it privatized. This will haunt him in the general election if he gets there.

He also thinks markets should drive health care and consumers should know more about what they are buying to control costs. While I agree that consumers need to know - you can't force that. Also, as I've said before, health care is NOT a commodity that should be driven by supply and demand and the flow of capitol. That fact that we let it be subject to the whims of the private markets has created the sick, dysfunctional system that we have.


Anonymous said...

You have been talking alot about Pompeo in the last week. More coverage than any conservative would ever get in your paper IF THEY WEREN'T RUNNING AGAINST Todd Tiahrt. You must REALLY hate Tiahrt. Your motives are so obvious.

Anonymous said...

Oops. got my elections mixed up. sorry. Still, there must be some reason why you are doting on a conservative?? what is it??

Anonymous said...

The fact is he's right on all his points!
If you read the News today they are raising interest rates and they are prediciting the 30 yr. decline in interst rates has come to an end! (They are going to keep rising!)
The amount of the National Deficit
which is being brought to record highs as the result of YOUR LIBERAL views will mandate that Inflation will occur!
The sad thing is that you really don't understand our own form of Government and what drives it!
Big Government has had a BIG role in all the recent events that led up to the present economic condition! (Remember who eliminated key market regulatory programs - Clinton! or who pushed for the sub-prime loans - who bought and owned the most of those type loans Freddie and Fannie! We are having to pour money into both of them to keep them solvent!)
As far as healthcare!
You haven't seen anything yet!
When Obama makes it so that all the Illegals qualify for Healthcare and gives them amnesty?
(Watch the rush to cross the border when that happens!)
Its going to get a whole lot tougher in America!
What are you going to do when Healthcare can't produce because their aren't enough doctor's!

Btw: How do you feel about paying for all those benefits for Govt.
Motors employees! (Talk about redistribution of wealth and favoritism!)
Seems they just lost another 3.4 billion dollars!

You just don't have a Clue about things in this country OR on this PLANET!

Anonymous said...


I am not trying to nitpick you...but when you mention West Point and Harvard, how can you not mention the fact that he graduated FIRST in his class at West point and was an EDITOR of the Harvard Law Review?

Not to mention, he was in the freaking U.S. Army Calvary, patrolling the Iron Curtain.

Maybe I missed it in earlier blogs or articles. If so, I apologize.