Thursday, April 29, 2010

HNB history?

Seems pretty clear that the bank will be sold soon. Hopefully the services and jobs it provides to the community will not go away.


Anonymous said...

This Lisa Roberts must have worked in Washington in the past, because she's spinning this up to be a good thing, it sounds like. The selling of a bank is not a good thing generally, and one that has been in a family for a long while, well, that is just bad.

Anonymous said...

The selling of a bank is not a good thing generally,

Well they can only sell the good parts! Guess who will end up paying for the bad parts?

Anonymous said...

10 days ago, HNB says that Roger and Trent are active members of the boards, and now this week Roger retires, and Trent is no longer on the board. Maybe they need to get their stories straight before talking to the press.

Anonymous said...

or maybe the press just needs to get the story straight.

Anonymous said...

Here we go. A bank heads towards failure and it's the press' fault.

Lisa Roberts is supposed to present the best and brightest image of the bank. What do you think a PR person is for. "er uh our exectuives sit around picking their noses all day. That's the latest from the PR office for the day." ???

They are yet bailing water but the boat may be a bit too porous to save. That's when you abandon ship. Homan came so that women and children would go first - an ordely use of the life boats.

Just chill. It won't kill Arkansas City. It will change Arkansas City. But, it won't really hurt Arkansas City.

So we've all had the parent or relative remind us: That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger through survival.

Anonymous said...

Maybe HNB should stop spinning stories, and tell the truth, which I think finally has some out.

Anonymous said...

One thing I will say is I would have bet on the wrong horse 10-15 years ago, if you would have told me one of the banks in town would not be around in 2012 I would have bet on Union State being sold off before Home National. I know we have other banks in town but those are the two big ones that have been in AC a long time. Mr. Docking has made some real good moves over the past 15 years or so and apparently the Brown family has not. I guess it pays to live in the town and not go over board with expansion.

Anonymous said...

I Think Mr. Dcoking and Mr. Mc padden (The old State Bank of Wnifield) have their heart and souls anchored to this area.
Much the same as their Fathers did in the past!
Can they turn the tide for the area by themselves or through one bank?
Probably not to the extent most people would like!
Its going to take a joint effort to reconstruct the things that have been lost or let deteriorate!
That might even include the need to support local businesses, events and programs with our consumer dollars and donations!
Someday someone will realize that the REAL ENEMY IS US!