Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Department of Bigotry

Sad stereotyping going on in New York City, where plans to build a mosque not far from ground zero are stoking xenophobia and illustrating the hatefulness of stereotyping.

Good for the TV stations refusing to air the ad.


SG said...

Oh yeah, they absolutely should be able to build a mosque at ground zero. Don't all great victories in battle get a shrine built to them? Gettysburg? Bull Run? thermopylae? Let's remember the great victory of the brave men who flew a plane into the WTC and killed all those enemies of the muslim faith.

Do you even think before you type this stuff?


I bet it's not xenophobia that the loved ones and friends of the people who were murdered there by muslim extremists have at the forethought when they condemn this mosque being built. I bet it's the fact that it's a slap in the face to the memory of all those innocent people who died for nothing.

You should look at things from more than one point of view sometime. you might be surprised what you could learn.

Anonymous said...

Let's put a bizarre twist in this. Suppose Iran did something stupid towards Israel (lobes a nuclear tipped missle at Tel Aviv, but fails to detonate). Israel retaliated by dumping a low yield tactical nuke into Tehran, leveling the city center. 10-15 years later, a Jewish congregation want to build a synagogue near the blast zone. How would you think the Iranian nation would feel about that? Or what if the US did it, and a Christian organization wanted to build a church there?

Anonymous said...

Boy, you really outdid yourself on this one junior.

Anonymous said...

I challenge you all to demonstrate a higher order of human existence in this one. The operative word is "Extremist"!

All terroristic acts were effected by extremists. Jim Jones was not a Muslim. He was a Christian extremist. The calamity at Waco involved a compound where extremist were operating.

Even the persecution of the saints as recorded in the NT of the KJV of the Bible was prosecuted by extremists.

It isn't the Muslim faith that was responsible for the terrorism any more than it was the Christian faith that was responsible for giving my Aunt poison kool-aid in the Jim Jones massacre.

It is people who hide behind the adulterated faith tenets to progress a demented agenda.

Sadly, the next wave of extremists is those being led and influenced by Rush Limbaugh. Any time you have a charismatic person who can capture a following of malcontents and disadvantaged, there is the risk of the birth of even more extremism in religion or politics.

I would be concerned about any extremist leader or movement. I would not be so quick to call any one who holds a different faith as an order of living and treatment in human decency a threat.

I am as distressed by Rush Limbaugh as I am by extremist from Muslim nations.

Anonymous said...

How many Christian churches are allowed to be built in Muslim countries ? Zip zero nada ....

Once again Junior shows his ignorance of HIStory.

Anonymous said...

"I am as distressed by Rush Limbaugh as I am by extremist from Muslim nations."

Then you should seek professional help.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"I am as distressed by Rush Limbaugh as I am by extremist from Muslim nations."

Then you should seek professional help.

July 19, 2010 10:53 AM

Recommend someone please. I presume you are simply intelligent enough to make such an assessment but why then wouldn't you recommend someone.

Just another Ark city mouth without any thing to offer besides cuts and criticism. So pointless mr (or ms) anonymous. So absolutely pointless.

Maybe you should just stick your fingers in your ears and type nana nana boo boo to whomever does not embrace your limited views on life and things that matter.

Recommend some professional to help me, please.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid it might be too late.

Maybe if you say a prayer to Obama he will come down from his throne and heal you.

Anonymous said...


Would your really want your daughter to live under Sharia Law ?